Restoring God’s Blueprint
The battle of cultural beliefs against AIDS

▲Only by restoring God’s beautiful blueprint for sexual relations at the beginning of creation, promoting chastity and fidelity among couples, and teaching men to respect women and children, can we possibly fight against the disease of AIDS! (Excerpted from the Internet
Sex is the action and relationship between soul and body.
At the beginning of creation, God originally intended such intimacy to belong to husband and wife, so as to nurture precious life.
However, in many places today, sex has become a deadly weapon.
Uganda did it
對抗愛滋的世紀之戰,最慘烈的韁場莫過於撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲大陸;而最為人津津樂道的戰役,莫過於烏干達愛滋盛行率由1991年顛峰的15%,降至2003年的4%。1 為了解開打擊愛滋的密碼,這個國家因而成為許多醫學、科學研究的焦點。2
1986年烏干達結束內戰,總統慕索維尼(Yoweri Museveni)政權穩固後,成立控制愛滋專案,採取ABC戰略—Abstinence(守貞),Be faithful(對伴侶忠誠),Condoms(使用保險套),3 透過積極的媒體宣傳,包括平面文宣、廣播、看板,以及草根性社區推動,傳遞愛滋的殺傷力以及預防方法。1990年代中期的調查顯示,99.2%烏干達民眾是從親朋或社區集會中得到愛滋相關訊息。4
There is no cure for AIDS, and there is no anti-disease vaccine to prevent the onset of the disease. Preventing the spread of the virus has become the only way to eliminate the disease, and it is also the strategic focus of Uganda. Which part of the strategy worked so well that the prevalence dropped significantly?
A closer look shows that the use of condoms did not become more common until the late 1990s, when large amounts of foreign aid were used to purchase and distribute condoms. By then, the prevalence of AIDS had already declined.
As for chastity and fidelity, according to a survey by the World Health Organization's Global Program on AIDS, the rate of premarital sex among single men aged 15 to 24 in Uganda dropped from 60% in 1989. 23% in 1995. 55
It can also be found from the Demographic and Health Surveys report that compared with countries such as Kenya, Zambia, and Malawi, Uganda has no regular sexual partners. The ratio is much lower. 66
Although there are other interrelated political and social factors that are unique to Uganda and why the AIDS prevalence rate has dropped so significantly, the behavioral changes shown in the survey data cannot be ignored.
The battle of cultures and beliefs
愛滋的傳播途徑除了性行為,還包括共用針頭注射毒品,以及懷孕期間經由胎盤、生產時通過產道由母體傳染胎兒,或新生兒透過哺乳而受感染。7 但這些其他途徑僅為少數,何況近十年來抗反轉錄病毒治療法(antiretroviral treatment)的發明,已減低母體傳染胎兒的機會。受限於當地醫療與衛生環境,剖腹產與奶粉餵養仍不甚普及,8 預防母體感染嬰兒的績效有限,不足以影響烏干達愛滋盛行率下降。
Since AIDS is mainly spread through sexual intercourse, the fight against AIDS should start from this point. The behavioral change part of the "Uganda Model" has achieved remarkable results. If it were applied to other African countries and worked together to fight against the rampant AIDS, wouldn't it be the most reasonable and biblical strategy?
Zimbabwean researcher David Wilson emphasized in the British Medical Journal in 2004 that "reducing sexual partners is good epidemiology, not good ideology. 9"9"
However, since this century, the method of fighting AIDS has gradually shifted to the development of drugs and vaccines to treat the virus, and the distribution of free condoms. As various institutions and policies compete for media attention and financial support, which one is based on epidemiology and which one is based on ideology?
From UNAIDS to prevention programs from large foundations such as the William J. Clinton Foundation or The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, "reducing risky sexual behavior" is simply One of many strategies that requires the addition of an ambiguous proviso. For example, "Cultural norms and beliefs may play a key role in helping to prevent AIDS and promote the possibility of AIDS transmission. 10"10"
After more than 20 years of fighting against AIDS, the "Uganda model" seems to still be stuck in the country, retaining the sole status of "miracle". Are "chastity" and "loyalty" just lofty ideals of Christian wishful thinking? Or is it a moral assertion that secularism avoids?
From the numbers and events in relevant investigative reports, another possible explanation emerges: For African countries south of the Sahara Desert, resisting AIDS is not just a battle between medicine and science, but also a battle between culture and belief!

▲For African countries south of the Sahara Desert, fighting against AIDS is not just a battle between medicine and science, but also a battle between culture and belief!
Deadly Culture and Beliefs
The African night is strange.
There is no buzzing TV, no rushing vehicles, the land is peaceful, only the chirping of insects can be heard.
No, there's still the sound of holding one's breath. It is a lying hunter, waiting for a weak prey that relaxes its vigilance a little. The hidden place covered by the black curtain is darker than the night.
住在南非開普敦的芭娃,十四歲時遭叔叔強暴,11 但她並非特例。在南非,曾有多起嬰兒或幼童強暴事件,南非大學2002年報導一年內有一百萬名婦女及兒童遭性侵犯。12 從醫學研究顧問(Medical Research Council)最近的調查顯示,四分之一的男子承認曾經強暴他人,其中許多為HIV帶原者。13
Like Bawa's uncle, many men who abuse young women and even children believe that the cure for AIDS is to have sex with virgins or children. Even though the price of anti-AIDS drugs has dropped significantly, the vast majority of African families are still unable to afford them. The fight between trapped animals that people engage in when they are desperate has exceeded the constraints of ethics and conscience!
In addition to the myths about AIDS that cause harm to women and children, due to the narrow living space, an 8×10-foot room is often the place where more than ten people live and rest in a family. Relatives and friends sleep with the children or share childcare duties. Being in such close proximity gives impulsive men an opportunity to take advantage of them. For children who are disadvantaged in terms of strength and status, going to the latrine at night and going to and from school during the day become an adventure.
Not only are women and children in a precarious situation, but they also have such a wrong belief: No matter whether the other person is a husband, a blood relative, a boyfriend, or whether he is infected with HIV or not, women cannot refuse a man's request. They also regard this as their natural right.
There are not enough police forces to investigate rape, and the offender is likely to be the main breadwinner of the family. The victim neither has the resources to hire a lawyer to pursue the case, nor is he willing to lose the person who provides him with food and clothing because of the accusation. Therefore, the law sanctioning the crime of rape is ineffective. 1414
由於社會和法律失職,無法提供這些受暴力攻擊的婦女孩童保護與公義。她們投訴無門,身心受傷,還很可能因此感染致命的HIV。15 很多年輕女子受感染後尚且不知,照常結婚生子,將愛滋繼續傳開……
It is hoped that through behavioral changes, chastity and faithfulness can reduce or even prevent the spread of AIDS. This reasonable and spiritual strategy encounters many obstacles due to patriarchal culture and erroneous medical beliefs passed down from generation to generation.
Sex is no longer an intimate behavior and relationship that combines body, mind and soul, but has become a release of violence and power, and a way to breed deadly viruses!

▲Uganda’s AIDS control project adopts ABC strategy-Abstinence, Be faithful (loyal to your partner), Condoms (use of condoms), through active media promotion, promote the lethality of AIDS and prevention methods.
Surrender to the call and take action
Culture and beliefs have a vast and far-reaching influence. How should we fight this battle? The forced cultural and even religious changes during the colonial period were wiped out after the decline of the great empire, leaving behind many political and economic remnants, making this land underdeveloped and the people living in poverty. Nowadays, in order to fight against AIDS, many charities and missionary organizations have invested huge human and financial resources to try to alleviate the suffering of AIDS patients from the medical and scientific level, or to subtly convey the correct message based on cultural beliefs.
No matter where we are fighting AIDS, we face great resistance and minimal results.
Could it be that these difficulties are enough excuses for Christians to avoid joining this battle?
華凱怡(Kay Warren)在《勇敢的降服》書中,16 開場便記述她如何順手翻閱一本新聞週刊,看到照片中一張張在非洲飽受愛滋蹂躪的面孔、人形。
Africa feels far away, and even though she knew about these problems, she still felt helpless. But from that moment on, these images were imprinted on her mind and shocked her soul. This report turned her life upside down. After crying to God and wrestling with God, Hua Kaiyi finally decided "I do" and responded to God's call to devote herself to AIDS ministry.
如今在她的網站(上,可以找到許多資訊,包括教會關懷愛滋病患的方法(詳閱本期社區單元),以及阻止愛滋傳染的策略。其中不僅推廣守貞、忠誠,更涵蓋教導男性尊重婦女及孩童。17 畢竟惟有復原神創造之初對性關係的美好藍圖,才有可能與愛滋病魔抗衡!
Hua Kaiyi's surrender to God leads to action. The results may be minimal, and it may not be able to overcome all difficulties, but it is a beginning after all.
So what should you and me do?
4. Same as note 2.
5. Same as note 2.
6. Same as note 1.
9. Same as note 2.
14. Same as note 12.
16. "Dangerous Surrender," by Kay Warren, Messenger Publishing, 2009.
Further reading and video appreciation
If you want to know more about African culture or missionary testimony, the following reports, books and movies can help you open up your "horizon" of Africa.
1. Historian Ahead of His Time, Christianity Today
2. Witchcraft in Uganda
3. HIV/AIDS in Uganda,
4. "Love Staying in West Africa Lengaen - Notes of a Little Doctor at 45 Degrees Celsius", Yuanshen Publishing House, first edition in 2003.
About African-themed movies:
1. Blood Diamond, translated as "Blood Diamond" in Chinese, talks about child soldiers.
2. Hotel Rwanda, translated as "Rwanda Hotel" in Chinese, explores genocide.
3. The Last King of Scotland, translated as "The Last King of Scotland" in Chinese, talks about the dictatorship of a tyrant.
4. War Dance, "Uganda Skies", documentary.
5. Mama Heidi, temporarily translated as "Mother Heidi", is the testimony of South Africa's mother Heidi who adopted orphans.
6. Faith Like a Potato, temporarily translated as "Potato Faith", a young farmer opened a children's home in South Africa.
Author profile
Lin Minwen loves reading and listening to classical music, and most admires Miura Ayako and Beethoven. She is committed to writing and serving God.