Issue 77
Kingdom Stewardship

Succeed, and Receive Financial Abundance

Translated by Lin Yu

Success and Financial Abundance [Series 13]

In the previous articles of the "Kingdom Business Success" series, we explored how to bring the Kingdom into your business mission: a paradigm shift is required to see the Kingdom operate in life; by living out divine love (agape love), honoring God, and respecting people, we position ourselves for success; finding the Kingdom mission and carrying it out in His way. In this 13th and final installment of the series, we will look at a topic that is important and concerning to every Christian—financial abundance.

Kingdom Perspective on Money

Christians have vastly different views and feelings about money; from believing that God wants everyone to be immensely wealthy, to ascetic views advocating detachment from filthy mammon. Both sides can find corresponding scriptures to support their understanding of "abundant life."

But what does our King say about the abundant life He gives? What did Jesus say about wealth itself, how to use money in life, and how to advance His Kingdom on earth through finances? The abundant life promised by Jesus in John 10:10, does it refer only to spiritual life, or does it include physical, emotional, and material needs?

The answer lies in the paradigm we use to view things and how we see our Kingdom mission on earth. Let’s look at it from a Kingdom paradigm!

“This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:3)

Jesus actually uses this verse to define the "life in God" (zōē) He mentioned in John 10:10, meaning that without living in Him, there is no abundant life. You can have a lot of money and still live poorly; you can have a lot of money and not have a successful life. As my wife Judy says, “Poverty is not having no money, but having no God.”

The Greek word for "abundant" in John 10:10 is "perissos," meaning exceedingly abundant, more than enough, not merely sufficient. God wants us to have exceedingly abundant finances—overflowing, enough to meet all needs for advancing the Kingdom mission. Some may be chosen to be the nation's wealthiest, but God wants everyone to have more than enough money to fulfill His calling for us. There is no lack in the Kingdom.

Living in Him will make us see things through His eyes. Money and wealth also have a Kingdom mission and are not for personal greed. As we become more like Jesus, we will realize that abundance is not about how much property we own but about how much of Him is in our lives. With the Lord in us, we can draw on heavenly resources and receive all we need in His perfect timing. I believe this is the Kingdom perspective on money and wealth.

Principles of Financial Abundance in the Kingdom

How to achieve an abundant life? Only by abiding in the Lord and letting Him abide in us. Day by day, we are led by the Holy Spirit; day after day, we deny ourselves and follow the Lord. When our life and business need abundant finances to fulfill the Kingdom mission, how to obtain them by Kingdom principles? The following principles are extracted from God's Word and have accumulated wealth for many who have applied them.

All Good Things Are Received by Faith

The way to receive anything from God is through grace by faith in Jesus Christ; all that we receive from the Kingdom, including salvation and wealth, is by faith. As Luke 12 says, “Your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.” What we need to do is ask.

Begging and praying with belief are different. Many can believe in the unseen salvation that God gives but find it difficult to trust God for visible things. Whether it is unseen salvation or visible finances, the same faith is required.

All Good Things Are Received by Faith

Some Christians aim to reach a certain level of assets so they no longer need to rely on faith for finances. However, God wants us to live by faith (referencing Hebrews 10:38), while many take financial prosperity by faith as plan B. This is why the Lord Jesus must encourage, even compel us, to learn to walk by faith. How often God allows supply sources to dry up, forcing us to give up relying on income or savings, learning to completely rely on Him, living by faith.

Pray According to His Will

We can indeed know God’s will because it is revealed in Christ; what Jesus said and did is God’s will. There is no need to ask whether it is God's will to heal, cast out demons, raise the dead, comfort the brokenhearted, or supply the poor; because Jesus did all these, and these are God's will for us. The key is to seek His will in the current situation. Discover God’s work and join what He is already doing, rather than asking Him to bless what we do. His plans are already blessed!

Ask, Seek, and Receive

Some things cannot be accomplished by asking alone; they also require seeking or knocking.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8)

The acts of seeking and knocking are not to make a reluctant God help you; they are for God to accomplish. Some things can be expected to be accomplished by merely asking God; some need to be sought to be obtained; some only materialize after knocking on many doors. Keep asking; keep seeking; persist in knocking; until receiving the abundant life promised by Jesus. One characteristic of wealthy people is perseverance.

Heath and Susan are business owners who operate on faith for finances, starting with asking, seeking, and knocking to receive the Kingdom mission and the resources needed for it. The couple believes that whatever God inspires them to do, if they actively but unhurriedly seek guidance and then take a step of faith, He will provide the strategy for how and what to do, as well as the resources.

Their numerous businesses and ministries were initiated by following the leading and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. When acting by faith, Heath and Susan also pray for the subsequent direction and timetable, awaiting confirmation from the Lord Jesus. If there is any financial shortfall, they directly ask God and wait with a trusting heart, never rushing ahead of the Lord nor tempting God with actions or timings that deviate from His will. If financial provision seems delayed, they continue seeking discernment to verify if the direction is correct and in line with the Lord's will. If they only receive partial financial or revelational provision for the next phase, they continue with what they can do at the moment, avoiding debt or forcing God to fulfill their plans.

Heath and Susan are good stewards, seeing business and ministry as God's blessings rather than personal property, managing everything He has entrusted to them well. Because of their proper management, God keeps giving them more; not only making existing businesses and ministries prosperous but also opening new development opportunities. They have learned that God delights in granting the desires of our hearts, especially those desires that are aligned with His will and purpose. When God sets the menu, He will pay the bill; He just reserves the right to decide how and when to pay.

Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge

God wants us to seek His wisdom, understand the root of the problem, and the solution He provides for anything related to finances. Thinking a lack of cash is the problem? The crux lies in a lack of wisdom, a deficiency of God. Enter His presence, seek His wisdom, understanding, and knowledge earnestly, to treat the root cause, solving cash flow issues. Understanding what to do, who to partner with, and how to execute it depends on wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, enabling us to deliver the highest value of service and invest in people and things to get the maximum return.

Assess Your Value

God gives talents and expects us to use them well until He returns. Talents include special abilities, intellect, relational skills, and even our financial assets. Want to become wealthy? Count and assess your real value, what unique gifts and assets you possess? How to use them to advance God's Kingdom? God wants us to utilize talents, and this will be the main way God blesses us financially. Applying the steward principle, being faithful in all that God has given, He will add more to us. For those who claim to have no talents, even what they have will be taken away. Remember Proverbs 18:16: “A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.”

White and Risha tried different businesses, some moderately successful, but none truly successful. When asked about their Kingdom mission, they just shook their heads, saying they couldn’t be sure yet.

They were so busy making money that they forgot to first figure out what to do; they chased money instead of pursuing the Kingdom mission. If an opportunity different from the current business emerged, they lacked standards to discern whether the new opportunity would push them closer to their goal. Without a destination, how can you know if the road you are on is right? They spent on various marketing schemes for business prosperity but saw no returns.

Sadly, those chasing money instead of the Kingdom mission float even if they know the business they have is what God called them to run. What they need is to find the correct business model and start profiting.

Spending time seeking the Kingdom mission before the Lord is definitely worth it. Even if it takes ten years to find out, it will save you from the heartache of wasted effort. Do not chase money; let money chase you instead. First, seek God, His Kingdom, and the Kingdom mission He has given you.

Do Not Consume all the Harvest Yourself

The Bible mentions "fruit" as a symbol of harvest or blessings; the money we receive is the fruit of providing services to others. However, we should not consume all the financial harvest ourselves. The Mosaic Law stated that the Israelites' harvest was not solely for their own consumption; various tithes and offerings were required, and there were rules about not harvesting the edges of fields, leaving some grain and fruit for the poor, the widow, and the foreigner (referencing Leviticus 19:9-10). God wanted His people to be generous, to open their hands to the needy and poor among them (referencing Deuteronomy 15:10-11). God wants us to be good stewards of His finances, bringing abundance into His Kingdom, without neglecting those in need.

▲ God calls us to share the fruits of our harvest with others.
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Tun Qiao and Dolly clearly understood that they should not consume all of their harvest. During a period when their business was struggling, most business owners would reinvest their meager profits into expanding the business. However, Tun Qiao and Dolly invested their profits into the Kingdom mission, believing that as they built God's Kingdom, He would expand their business.

Even though the couple already had several children, the Lord Jesus moved them to adopt another. They also became the legal guardians of an elderly neighbor and actively participated in community activities, valuing their civic responsibilities. They dedicated their time and money to assist organizations and groups that effectively support small businesses. They made substantial donations to non-profit organizations committed to bringing Biblical values back into government and society, and used the profits from their business for various ministries.

Tun Qiao and Dolly diligently invested in their business and personal lives, and God continued to bless them: they received exceptional favor from customers; doors of opportunity, typically closed to small businesses, were opened for them; and they received recognition and honor in both governmental and corporate sectors. Tun Qiao and Dolly were good stewards of the finances God entrusted to them, understanding and practicing the principle of not using His provisions solely for themselves but also to bless others.

Do Not Test God

How do Christians test God? By acting according to their own will while using God's words to justify themselves. This is particularly evident in how they use money. Many Christian business owners, when faced with financial insufficiency and without specific direction from God, purchase new cars, buy property, or even acquire other businesses. This is not faith; it is presumption. They are testing God to provide according to their chosen methods and timing, but the Kingdom does not operate this way.

God wants us to seek His will to be done on earth, not ours; letting Him decide how and when to provide. We should learn to live according to His intentions, not by our own will. No matter how many scriptures we find to justify ourselves, we must not test God in the use of His money without first seeking His guidance.

Jenny founded a technology services company, initially using her home basement as the office. Most of her employees worked on-site at clients' locations, so she didn’t need additional space. By keeping administrative expenses and indirect costs like utilities and rent to a minimum, the business was able to achieve healthy profitability from the start.

As her business expanded, Jingni was eager to move out of the basement into a more formal office space, even though it wasn't necessary at the moment and her clients didn't care where she operated from. The primary reason Jingni wanted to relocate to a formal office space was to project a more professional image. Since the business was doing well, she decided to rent office space.

Although the rent was high, Jingni believed she was acting in faith rather than testing God to provide for the leasing costs. However, she quickly found herself unable to afford the rent, realizing that God's timing and her plans were not aligned. To make matters worse, the lease agreement prohibited subletting, leaving Jingni stuck with an office she couldn't afford.

Wanting and needing office space is reasonable. However, many business owners make decisions based on the company's image rather than actual needs, convincing themselves with thoughts like: "Doesn't God want us to have an abundant life? If our business doesn't have the best of everything, won't people think we have a 'poverty mindset'?" Sometimes, aligning decisions with practical needs and God's timing is more crucial than maintaining an image.

Unfortunately, God's plans and timing differ from ours. If Jingni had prayed about renting an office space and waited for God to lead her to the right location, she might have been able to rent an affordable space, even if it didn't look as ideal as she had imagined.

Sometimes, we need to make a few changes before we get the ideal office or car. God's promise is to "give you the desires of your heart" (referencing Psalm 37:4), but He does not promise when or how this will happen. Making significant decisions and then expecting God to supply according to our own timing and method is not faith; it is testing God. So, do not test God!

Do not owe anyone anything, except to love one another.

God does not want us to be in debt; debt is a terrible master and a heavy burden. Compared to the abundant life promised by Jesus, the burden of debt is light. "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is a servant to the lender" (Proverbs 22:7). As stewards of God's financial resources, we must ensure that we act under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Do not borrow unless you hear God's direction; do not invest unless you hear God's direction. We must be extremely cautious and fearful about debt, as Romans 13:8 says, "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another."

When we learn to abide in the Lord and seek His guidance to apply these successful financial principles, we can walk in the abundant life that Jesus promised.

The "Kingdom Business Success" series has come to an end. These 13 articles condense my years of observations, thoughts, experiences, and revelations from the Lord. For more information on this topic, please refer to my book "Kingdom Business Success" (tentative Chinese translation). If you are interested in receiving further services, please visit ( and feel free to contact me at ( At this moment, I would like to pray for the readers: May these articles drive you to seek God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; to discover your Kingdom mission, not just working for the Lord, but working with Him; and may the abundant life in God's presence flow into every area of your life and business, making all the work of your hands prosperous. May you remember: The Father is pleased to give us the Kingdom! May we continue to move forward, bringing the tabernacle of the Lord Jesus wherever we go. May God bless you and make you prosperous in all things! In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray.

At this moment, I would like to pray for the readers: May these articles drive you to seek God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; to discover your Kingdom mission, not just working for the Lord, but working with Him. May the abundant life in God's presence flow into every area of your life and business, making all the work of your hands prosperous.

May you remember: The Father is pleased to give us the Kingdom! May we continue to move forward, bringing the tabernacle of the Lord Jesus wherever we go.

May God bless you and make you prosperous in all things! In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray.

(艾傑弗) Jeff Ahern is the author of "Kingdom Business Success" (tentative Chinese translation), "Strategic Planning for Kingdom Business" (tentative Chinese translation), and "Double Your Pay!" (tentative Chinese translation), and has published numerous articles in journals. He served as a naval officer and has over 30 years of experience providing consulting services to Fortune 500 companies and government departments to manage and improve business processes. He founded the spiritual consulting company Business His Way (formerly Sozo Services), assisting business leaders in using Bible-based, Holy Spirit-led solutions to achieve personal and business goals. You are welcome to visit the Kingdom magazine's stewardship section webpage ( to read the complete "Kingdom Business Success" series articles.

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