Issue 67
Kingdom Knowledge & Practice


【Mood Platter】Series 8

caught off guard

Unexpected "accidents" are inevitable in life. Accident is actually unexpected, usually a negative word, like an unwelcome uninvited guest that no one wants to receive.

Many years ago, because I was traveling and not at home for a long time, I was targeted by interested people. When I got home, my room had been ransacked by thieves and turned into a mess! The thief miscalculated and couldn't find the cash, so he cut the mattress several times (80% thinking it was where the money was hidden). Taking advantage of the opportunity to buy a new mattress, I upgraded my original twin size bed to a full size king-size single bed. A blessing in disguise, being able to sleep more spaciously is also a bonus.

Another time I was taking a shower one winter night. Suddenly the wall behind the bathroom sink exploded and water rushed out like a fountain! Ah, could this be a New England winter nightmare—burst pipes? The scene is shocking! Fortunately, my mind was still clear, so I quickly put on my clothes and called for help. First close the toilet door to reduce the scope of the disaster, then call 911 to call in a team of fully armed firefighters with a spectacular formation. However, they only sent one person to lock the water pipes. The large amount of water seeping into the carpet and the repair of the broken water pipes were not within the scope of service. They still had to wait for the maintenance personnel of the apartment to deal with it. It can only be said that this "burst incident" has made people fully understand what it means to be "unprepared"!

Continuous support during power outage

Unexpectedly, another unexpected incident happened recently.

It was already around 10:00 pm when I returned home that day. I saw an orange hanging hanging at the door, and an ominous premonition hit me. My name is written on the card, wow! The power was cut off! How is this going? At that time, the room was dark, and the most important thing that flashed through my mind was to save the medical injections. Those medicines needed to be refrigerated at low temperatures. It is estimated that the power outage occurred at 3:00 pm that day. In other words, the power outage lasted for more than seven hours... Unable to make the medicine lose its effectiveness, the immediate reaction was to knock on the door and ask for help from the neighbor across the street, but no one responded.

After calming down for a while, I called the fellowship group to describe the encounter. A friend reminded me that I could borrow and refrigerate the medicine at the grocery store around the corner. It takes less than two minutes to walk to the grocery store from home. In addition to buying some daily necessities, it is also a place where nearby residents collect packages. The boss is very friendly and makes the grocery store full of human touch. Compared with the "neighbor" across the door, it is much more friendly. Why didn't you think of it the first time? This further proves that "whether it matters or not" really does matter!

After explaining the reason to the clerk, he placed the medicines, a package of meat, a box of eggs, and two boxes of yogurt behind the milk area. As for other food in the refrigerator, throw it away if it goes bad! This is the order of priority in an emergency, so don't let the small lose the big.

After a brother learned about the situation, he specially sent a fully stocked power bank on the night of the incident. He is someone who goes to bed early. Although he lives about 20 minutes’ walk from my home, this gesture was extremely considerate and touching! I usually go to see him for "everything I do without going to the Three Treasures Palace": catching mice, installing air-conditioning, moving things, asking about the Internet... He is really a good young man who is willing to help others.

"The power bank can also function as a flashlight." This is such a good design. I instantly felt that this brother was a living version of the power bank! The battery of your mobile phone is guaranteed and your mind is much more relaxed. The attentive brother also gave a good suggestion: write important contact numbers on a small piece of paper and keep it in your wallet for later use. If something goes wrong with your phone, you can still send notifications and ask for help. Also, contact numbers are often stored in mobile phones. If the mobile phone crashes, the impact will be far-reaching. This method may seem simple, but it is the most direct wisdom in life. It also shows the beautiful value of traditional writing. It is definitely recommended!

Fortunately, the power outage did not affect the water supply. It was a small blessing to be able to take a hot bath in the dim candlelight. The next day when the power company was at work, I immediately asked why the power was cut off. The reason is also surprising, it turned out to be because the electricity bill was not paid for six months! How can this be? Aren’t they all bank automatic transfers? There should be something wrong with the transfer. Now is not the time to pursue the case. The power must be restored first. After paying the fee, the staff informed that it would be processed "within 24 hours." I thought that the supply would be restored immediately. Although this answer is not the most ideal, it is already moving in the direction of restoring power.

During this time without electricity, the power of the group was very effective, knowing that someone was praying for me. In addition to the power bank brothers, Sister Susan, who is an activist the next day, drove an ice bucket and two packs of ice cubes bought at the grocery store, waiting at the door of the house. Explain that the medication has been stored at the grocery store and that everything is fine for the time being, so there is no need for the ice bucket. Then the thoughtful sister used the WiFi "hotspot" in the car to help me download the APP so that I could check the monthly fee later. It was really a great service.

I am very grateful to the young people around me who are willing to take the trouble to help me with guidance and application of the Internet. One can't help but sigh that many elderly people can only passively compress their living space and gradually "isolate" because they are unfamiliar with the online world. However, online services are not necessarily reliable, and they still need to be confirmed and verified to be correct.

Facing the enthusiastic Susan who specially brought an ice bucket, I really felt sorry for the two bags of ice cubes... The sister said: "It's not gold nuggets, it's nothing!" She knew in her heart that this couldn't be measured by any price! Another sister, Xiaohui, knew that the kitchen used an electric stove and could not operate without electricity, so she specially cooked purple rice porridge and delivered it. Chewing every grain of rice brings a sense of warmth to my heart. It turns out that this is what "giving help in times of need" feels like.

The power was finally restored at noon! When I went to the grocery store to pick up medicine and go home, I met the boss on duty and thanked him again. In the real scene of life, it is great to have such a grocery store to solve problems!

▲The corner grocery store, power bank brothers, ice bucket sisters, and purple rice porridge sisters provide help in times of need, so that the author will not be without help during power outages.

unexpected peace

The power outage for just one day has caused such trouble. How many places in the world have no water or electricity due to natural disasters and man-made disasters, and the environment is terrible? What is the situation like? In comparison, it shows that "modern people" have degraded instincts and are actually extremely fragile; without electricity, WiFi cannot be connected to the Internet, kitchens cannot cook, refrigerators cannot store... No matter how functional electrical appliances are, they cannot be used. "Power outage" is definitely not a scenario you want to play in your life. However, under such a "forced performance", there are also many feelings.

I thought I would be safe if I applied for automatic transfer, but unexpectedly it was not transferred into my account? Many things in life seem to be taken for granted, but they are not so taken for granted. As long as one link is missing and not stuck in the correct operating position, everything is just decoration and will not play any role!

When I said goodbye to my little power bank brother that night, he was like a knight who had traveled through the world and gone through vicissitudes of life. He patted me on the shoulder and said, "It's not easy to live alone!" Yes! He mostly shows up when he needs help, either physically or mentally. I am very grateful to my friends who have stepped forward to help me!

Isaiah 30:20 says, “Though the Lord gives you bread with difficulty and water with hardship, your teacher will no longer be hidden; you will see your teacher.” Believe that this Lord is by no means abusive. He is crazy and has to do some pranks to be happy.

I have to admit that human nature is forgetful, and it usually takes us to a difficult place before we remember to look to God. God's protection is sometimes hidden in secret places, and the changes caused by "accidents" can become blessings; the impact of "accidents" makes people learn to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

"Accidents" may not be avoided, but they can be faced, because "the peace that surpasses all understanding" will be with us!

Miao Huitian, older and single, with money to travel but no money to take a walk. You can be lazy, diligent, active and at home; you can appreciate beautiful scenery, beautiful things, and beautiful things, and like good food, beautiful articles, and beautiful music.