Issue 60
Kingdom Families

What I see and think under the impact of the global new coronavirus epidemic

Photo/Jiang Zongyu (Taiwan)

▲The author is personally aware of the patient’s worries because his wife is slightly ill.

Pray, pray, pray some more!
Masks, masks, always wear a mask!
Stay home, stay home, stay home!

As of May 2, the number of people diagnosed with COVID-19 in Taiwan is 432, while the number of confirmed cases globally is 3,456,461. Although the number of confirmed cases in Taiwan is relatively low compared to other countries in the world, I would like to ask everyone to continue to pray for Taiwan and the global epidemic, hoping that it can be brought under control as soon as possible.

Changing ways of gathering

As for the churches in Taiwan, according to the author’s observation, due to the experience and training of the SARS epidemic more than ten years ago, they responded very quickly. When I passed by Taipei Truth Church before, I found that red velvet ropes had been set up at the door and temperature sensors were set up to measure the body temperature of every congregant entering the church. As the epidemic becomes more severe recently, churches have switched to online gatherings.

Many churches livestream worship services on Facebook so that more Christians and non-Christians can attend Sunday services together. In addition to the Good TV (Good News) channel, some Taiwanese Christian media also collect live video links of gatherings of various churches and share them with brothers and sisters. These contingency measures deserve recognition. Please pray to God to enable the church to be salt and light in the epidemic prevention ministry and not to neglect anything.

Personally understand the concerns of patients’ families

In the past few months, I often saw numerous reports and posts about COVID-19 in news media and social platforms. Although I felt the urgency of the epidemic, after all, I was still far away from myself and my family in Taiwan. But on the evening of April 3, my wife felt unwell and had symptoms of general fatigue. Out of concern, he went with her to the emergency room of a hospital near her home for medical treatment.

When I came to the emergency room, I saw with my own eyes that the medical staff and hospital security personnel were facing the new coronavirus with great fear and fear! I also experienced a short period of psychological suffering because I was worried about my wife's physical condition, and I had a little taste of the anxious mood of being a family member of a COVID-19 patient!

What else can we do at this moment? We call on readers to raise their hands in prayer and pray that the global epidemic can end as soon as possible. People of all countries and all walks of life can successfully fight the epidemic, learn from it, and return to normal life. Thank the Lord!

Jiang Zongyu, loves reading, watching movies and writing, and because of movies and writing, he cooperates with "Kingdom of God" magazine in interviews and writing. I hope that through words, the good news of the gospel can be conveyed to more readers.