Issue 33
Kingdom Neighbors

Don’t let God’s heart be grieved

Pick up the string of blood-stained sighs

Excerpt/Liu Shuman

Many people desire career, interpersonal relationships, wealth... to move to a higher level, and are willing to pursue success at any cost, which has become their vulnerable weakness. As for me, my desire to become an outstanding model became my Achilles heel.

sweet death trap

When he was nineteen years old, he studied at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, with a 4.0 average academic score, and was active in many student organizations. I have been working as a model since I was twelve years old. Before I graduated from high school, so many people came out of nowhere and offered to be my manager. However, my mother was addicted to drugs and alcohol, and she had no intention or ability to supervise me.

One day, through the introduction of a fellow model, I met a manager who said that it would be helpful to my career. Not only could I launch a stunning personal photo album, but I could also get photo opportunities all over the United States. We made an appointment to meet. This man wore a suit and leather tie, owned a million-dollar hedge fund, and the girls under his management were all as beautiful as the beauties in Vogue magazine. At nineteen years old, lacking guidance and help from my parents, I thought to myself, "Wow! This person will definitely make my dreams fly."

I flew around on weekends and holidays and worked as a print model for three magazines. I also appeared on the packaging covers of some T-shirts, socks, and underwear launched by the Gilden brand. It can be said that I am proud of my studies and work, and I think my dream will come true. I once mentioned this new manager to my father. They were about the same age. This man was considerate, caring about my life and studies, and seemed to be seeking my best interests at all times. He had won my absolute trust.

Three months after working with him, in May 2007, I flew to Arizona to be photographed for a CAO cigar advertising campaign, and they chose me and another girl to see who would win and become the CAO advertising model. It was my first time here and I was accommodated in a five-star hotel that costs four to five hundred dollars a night. I was so excited! The luxurious lobby and noble atmosphere create a sense of security. I would never have thought that such a high-end hotel would be linked to the trafficking of sex slaves.

The manager and I discussed the details of the next day's work and had a meal together. Before we parted, he told me to get enough sleep and recharge my batteries. I was woken up by a rustling sound of credit card swiping in the middle of the night. I was a heavy sleeper, but I haven't been since then. I woke up in a daze and wondered, why did the manager and two men come to my room? I trusted the manager and my gut reaction was: "Did you oversleep and be late? What did you miss? Why are you here?"

Watching them quickly set up the video recorder on the tripod, I waited for someone to tell me what they were going to do. In the silence, the manager just stared at me. About two minutes later, when I realized the crisis, it was too late. The manager and the two well-dressed beasts gang-raped me. They took photos and recorded the entire process. Before leaving, the manager said harshly: "Work will start in a few hours. You have to do your job!"

The next day, the manager stood aside and I had to pretend to be nonchalant while taking photos for CAO. Everyone came to shake his hand afterwards, as if he was a great businessman, a gentleman, a Christian, and a father of two children. I had no choice but to act and pretend to agree. However, just last night, I knew very clearly that this was not the case!

▲Real men don’t visit prostitutes! Hollywood actors have called for a boycott of the sale of children as sex slaves.

Now, I'm dead!

Two weeks later, the manager called and said he had arrived in Charlotte and ordered me to go out and meet with him. I said, "Why should I meet with you?" When I heard him say, "Why should I bring that back from Arizona?" I believe you are interested in taking a look at all the videos and photos from that night!" My heart sank to the bottom.

"I don't want to see you, and I don't want to see you again!"

"Make it clear, I'm not asking you if you can come out? Come here right now! Meet us at the Hampden Hotel next to the gas station at Exit 28. If you don't come, I will come and visit you! I know you have a roommate, too I know where your family lives. It’s better to come here if you know what’s going on!”

I didn’t want my roommates or anyone else to know the secret of that night’s humiliation, so I had no choice but to go through with it. Ask him: "What do you want to do?"

"You will continue to provide regular services to my financial and celebrity clients, or I will immediately sell the tapes from that night to porn and rape websites."

There are rape websites all over the world, usually operating from foreign Internet addresses. The website sells thousands of videos of women being raped, and the business is booming, which shows how many men buy online! I'm only nineteen years old, but I don't want these disgusting videos to pop up on the screen when people search for my name on the Internet, cutting off my future prospects. What's more, what will others think of me? I don’t want my family to find out, and I don’t want this villain to show up at my door. What a dilemma! Under threat, I had to say: "Okay, I will cooperate with your request, but don't hurt me."

From then on, I would get a call from him about once a month. "Hey! I want you to go to such-and-such a city. I have a client who wants to meet you." Those wealthy and powerful men with wedding rings, families, and children all thought that I came here voluntarily to sell sex. Yes, this gang is more evil than the desperadoes on NBC's "Dateline."

Who knows, if I hadn’t been beaten with scars, filmed in an unsightly video, and threatened and controlled, how could I have obeyed his orders? Six months later, I was finally free! This villainous manager was indicted by the FBI and sentenced to prison for being involved in a large-scale rat club fraud. At that moment, I really wondered how someone like me, who lives in a free country, could actually cheer: "I'm free!" Isn't that right? When a powerful bully knows everything about you and uses despicable means to manipulate and hurt you, basically you can only become his slave and be slaughtered by others.

▲Slave is not a historical term! Human trafficking is the fastest-growing illegal industry today, enslaving nearly 30 million people around the world. (Image source:

The ugly human trafficking

A. Global Truth
‧ The fastest-growing criminal enterprise, outperforming drugs, guns and Internet fraud.
‧ There are 30 million slaves in the world today (more than at any time in history).
‧ Generating a windfall of US$32 billion every year.
‧ Every thirty seconds a new person becomes a slave.
‧ The victims of 50% are children under the age of 18.
‧ 80% is for women and girls.
‧ 54%Human traffickers are strangers, 46% are familiar to the victim.
‧ 52% is a male trafficker, 42% is a female, and 6% is a husband and wife team.

B. American truth
‧ There are only 100 shelter and treatment beds for 100,000 sexually exploited children.
‧ 20% man admitted to buying sex.
‧ The average age of children becoming sex slaves is 12 to 16 years old.
‧ Children who run away from home or live on the streets are targeted by human traffickers within 48 hours.
‧ 98% Human beings trafficked as sex slaves and labor slaves suffered physical violence; 92% had been coerced into raping, 56% more than five times.
‧ The mortality rate of prostitutes is two hundred times higher than that of ordinary people. They died of murder, suicide, drug poisoning and diseases such as AIDS.
‧ The average life span of a sex slave is seven years.
‧ 71% victims are suicidal.
‧ More is spent on human sex trafficking in the United States than all professional sports combined.U.S. human trafficking reporting hotline: 1-888-3737-888

Christ preserves beautiful souls

Later, I checked on the Internet to find out how long the manager would be imprisoned. I accidentally saw another victim writing on the Internet: "I hope his true nature of sexual assault and harassment in Lushan will be made public." There are also ten anonymous people. Victims accuse him of making $13 million by selling us models. Believe it or not, human traffickers and pimps in North Carolina alone make millions in tax-free profits from selling women. Thinking that the heavy price of being tortured like hell on earth was actually a huge profit of nearly one million US dollars for the manager, I was really emotionally broken for a while.

Most people who are sexually assaulted become suicidal because the victim thinks the whole world is watching. I am afraid that all the well-dressed men I saw in Wal-Mart have bought videos of themselves being sexually assaulted. If they had all seen it, wouldn't their shame be exposed to the world nakedly? So I didn't eat or sleep, and I was in despair.

▲Save a life! More than 2.8 million children in the United States run away from home every year. Once they live on the streets, one-third are tricked into being recruited as prostitutes or producing pornographic works within 48 hours. (Image source:

▲Image source: jpg

It was the same for me. At that time, I couldn’t see God and was angry with Him. I felt that I had done nothing wrong and He shouldn’t treat me like this. I feel so despicable that I can’t hold my head up. I can’t go back to the innocent days before. No one will accept me, love me, or marry me. I feel like I’m a piece of shit full of holes.

He attempted suicide, but was handcuffed like a criminal and sent to a mental hospital for five days. Only then did he realize how wrong suicide was. The victims are like criminals who are suppressed, but the prostitutes and villains are praised and exalted in various ways, even in the United States. One of the nurses was very interested in me. When she found out that I had been a model for the print advertisements on the packaging of Jeddan’s underwear products, she said, “If you hadn’t taken those photos, these things wouldn’t have happened (actually The company's panties are grandmother-quality, not Victoria's Secret). "I thought I would be able to get out of the darkness and get help in these five days, but who would have thought that I would be hit even more cruelly!"

I moved to a new town and said to myself, "I hate living angry with God all the time. Give Him another chance!" It wasn't that God had lost the first opportunity, it was just how I felt at the time.

I went back to church and sat alone, hoping no one would notice. Unexpectedly, a few months later, a friendship was won. Friends accept me for who I am, not a victim of sexual assault or human trafficking. "Victim" is not my identity. After I continued to go to church, I became more aware of my identity in Jesus Christ, and I hoped to do something with every experience I had.

Once I was talking to a pastor about all the injustices in the world, and he accidentally mentioned how he was deceived and became a sex slave in the past, and also told the whole story of the sex slave trade in Charlotte. The pastor suggested that I make a video of these testimonies, which I did. After the meeting that day, he said: "I have also experienced an almost devastating trauma in my life, and I remember one thing - they abused your body, but they cannot invade your soul."

These subversive words were like an anchor that stabilized me and completely released my body and mind. After that day, I took a huge step forward in my therapy sessions to remember the whole person I was before the victimization. Yes, my body was broken, but because of Christ, my soul was whole, and that empowered me to move forward very, very powerfully.

▲Picture source:

Cutting off the supply and demand chain of pornography

Nowadays, I am often invited to give lectures to educate the public on the need to put an end to evil and selfish desires, because 70%’s pornographic works are inseparable from sex slaves. Taking my own example, all my videos were sold on rape websites, and some of them were transferred to pornographic websites. My lawyer friend removed sixteen of my videos from the website and it makes me sick to think of how many people have clicked to watch them. How many men are addicted to pornographic videos and cannot extricate themselves, causing the breakdown of their marriages. My aunt and ex-husband are an example. The aunt asked him: "How would you feel if you saw your niece in the video and knew all the torture she had suffered?"

Men who visit prostitutes don't think about this. They think that women are willing to go to sea in order to make money. What is shocking is that the lives of 30% strippers are threatened by human traffickers; their children are sometimes used to threaten them, so they have no choice but to take up this profession; some are also violently intimidated by their husbands: "I can't make a thousand dollars tonight." Money, it would be strange if I don’t beat you up when I get back!” But the man who was having sex in the club didn’t think so at all. The man was intoxicated, watching with eyes, thinking: "She is obviously willing to do it, and has no intention of leaving. If she doesn't want to, she can just leave." And so on, when people look at those edited scenes In pornographic videos, how can one see the victim being beaten and persecuted off camera?

Once a man has been addicted to pornographic websites for more than ten years, it is difficult to eradicate it. The key is to educate them when they are young. It’s much easier to train a puppy than an old dog! If we educate and educate young people about the unknown reality and the statistics of human trafficking outside the camera, they will not be tempted to get involved in the lust of the eyes, but will be able to stay away from the evil of filth and lust, and grow into upright men.

The economic principle of supply and demand comparison is well known, but why is the market for children, boys and girls as sex slaves so strong? Because demand continues to rise. Nowadays, people who have extramarital affairs hide their love, play taboo games, and feel complacent about it. Human trafficking is closely related to extramarital affairs. It is known that 70% of unfaithful men buy sex with girls - underage children. It is not only illegal, but also heartbreaking!

I say, you guys who are hanging around on the Internet, men who are watching pornographic videos, I hope you will think about it. Maybe it is your daughter who appears on the screen one day, or someone else’s daughter, or it may be me. Please Think twice. When you browse pornographic websites, you are contributing to the criminal hotbed of trafficking in children and teenagers as sex slaves. If a man cuts off the demands of evil love, the supply of inhumanity will cease abruptly.

▲Image source: Now, when I mention these past events, my heart is still pounding. Six years ago, my life hit rock bottom. During the most difficult time, joy left me. However, now I look back on those frightening days and feel grateful. I can clearly see that God used the experience of dealing with the ferocious devil to It is to bring me back to Him and draw me closer to Him.

Author profile
The surviving girl who escaped from hellSister Jillian Mourning, 25 years old, is a clean and self-loving girl who works hard at school, is smart and sunny, and is a professional model and actress. When she was nineteen years old, she encountered human traffickers who were deliberately trying to win over her and were waiting to devour her. The bloody and tear-stained true story in this article was excerpted from the focus topic on human trafficking published in the English section of the 33rd issue of "The Kingdom of God Magazine". Sister Mo founded the "All We Want is LOVE" organization (, which engages in teaching, training, and providing rescue resources to combat human trafficking in a three-pronged approach.

The translator’s brief profile is Liu Shuman. When I was a child, I read translated literature. The translation was difficult to understand, and my double eyelids translated into thick eyes. This made me reject translated literature in the future. This was my first time translating someone else’s article. I was very frightened and cried out to God many times. Thank you to the editor for not being afraid of me throwing the blame and for praying for me a lot. Glory to God Most High.