Issue 69
Kingdom Stewardship

It’s hard to start a business, but it’s not easy to maintain success.

The old proverb goes: "It is difficult to start a business, but it is difficult to maintain it." It can be seen that running a business is not easy, and it must rely on God's blessing and the continuous efforts of the operators. Especially in the face of a rapidly changing environment, fierce competition, shortened product life cycles, and increased employee turnover rates... If an enterprise wants to grow, it must constantly develop new products and new customers, and be brave enough to hand over the reins at the right time and pass on talents without hesitation. Passing on to future generations enables the company to develop sustainably.

The changes caused by the COVID-19 epidemic and the international economic situation have made many people and businesses panic. Those companies that are content with the status quo, accustomed to business as usual, and stick to the rules, because they have no sense of urgency in times of crisis, and no preparations for a rainy day, face sudden emergencies and become confused, panicked, and do not know how to respond.

▲When a company faces a crisis, should it be demolished or repaired? Only rely on the Lord to make correct and wise decisions.

Proverbs 3 teaches us:“Don’t be afraid of sudden panic;⋯⋯Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; be sure in all your waysHim,Himwill direct your paths. "We must believe that God is in control of everything, as Psalm 29 says:“The LORD sits as King in the flood; the LORD reigns as King forever and ever. The LORD will give strength toHimofThe people will be blessed with peaceHimof people. "Romans 12:12 also reminds believers“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be steadfast in prayer.”

We need to know that everything belongs to God; our business also belongs to God, and we are just stewards. As long as you are good and loyal, ask God in everything, obey God, and ask God for wisdom to make correct judgments and wise decisions. You must face reality calmly and think carefully; don't take chances and settle for nothing. When necessary, one must have the determination and courage to cut off one's own strength, either reduce the scale of the business, change the way of doing business, or even close the business, and then Xu Tu will make a comeback. Do not be sad and discouraged; believe that the Lord is a merciful and merciful God. He is faithful and will not let us be tempted beyond what we are able. When we are tempted, he will always provide us with a way out so that we can endure it. live.

It is difficult to start a business and difficult to maintain success. No matter what situation a company is in, all decisions must be made with the same mind, striving to be in harmony with shareholders, and letting the peace of Christ rule in our hearts.

Lin Fengliang, served as Chairman and CEO of Payless Car Rental System Inc., one of the six largest car rental companies in the United States, from 1989 to 2013. Currently, he is a director of the Christian Messenger Association and is dedicated to the ministry of workplace missions and corporate transformation.