Issue 32
Kingdom Neighbors

The Cross Becomes a Crown—Exclusive Interview with Pastor Chen Lide

Interview/Li Mei
Picture provided/Chen Lide

▲ Picture on the left: Pastor Chen Lide’s family photo.
▲ Picture on the right: Pastor Chen Lide and Mrs. Chen Liyuan were at the wedding banquet when they were young, and they stayed together through the storms of life.

When he was young, Pastor Chen Lide worked as an electrical engineer in Brazil for fifteen years. God used an illness to turn him from pursuing fame and fortune in the world to rethinking his faith. Through serving in the church, he embarked on full-time ministry. The way of the Lord. Suffering from progressive muscular dystrophy, he experienced physical pain and spiritual struggles, but his experience of life and understanding of God also became richer.

At that time, he gave up the enjoyment of the world and embarked on full-time ministry, and he defeated the temptation of the world; when he went to Trinity Theological Seminary, he ran out of money and sold his house to continue his studies, and he defeated the bondage of money; when he fell ill, he faced the problem of faith. Through the ups and downs, he defeated the threat of death; although his body was weak, his heart was strong. Let us listen together to His precious sharing of the cross that became the crown.

KRC: At that time, you were in your thirties, had three children, a prosperous career, and a pretty good income and position. Please talk about how you gave up your status and family financial responsibilities, fully trusted in God, and embarked on the path of full-time service.

I am very grateful to God that I found a good job after graduating from the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of São Paulo. The three companies I worked for were all good companies. I worked in a Swedish company for a long time, during which I went to Sweden to work for two years, researching and developing transformers and converters, which were quite cutting-edge at the time. After returning to Brazil, he worked for the German company Siemens as a consultant and expert on power transformation systems. He was just in time to build the world's largest dam project and was promoted to a higher position in the company.
Although God has blessed us with three children and a good job, I am a lukewarm Christian in terms of faith. At that time, all I could think about was how to work harder and get better treatment and promotion opportunities. While I was working hard in pursuit of worldly fame, status and money, one day, while driving to work, I felt that my chest was tight, my breathing was a little difficult, and my hands and feet were numb and stiff. I immediately stopped and opened the window, trying to find someone to help me. help me.

At that time, the public security in Brazil was not good, and few people were willing to help on the highway. Suddenly a police car stopped in front of me. After understanding the situation, they quickly sent me to the company, where doctors from the company assisted in treatment. I fell asleep quickly and stayed in the hospital for three days. The test results said that it was caused by excessive work pressure and that I had to rest for three months, otherwise it would really lead to a heart attack.

During the recuperation period, I practiced spiritual practice and read the Bible every day to get closer to God. Although I prayed to God and said, "If I regain my health, I will serve You," I did not think in my heart that I would serve full time as a preacher or pastor. After recovery, I returned to work and forgot my promise to God. But on the other hand, my husband and I began to participate in more church activities, participating in choirs, fellowships, and serving as a counselor (preacher) for young people. Service gradually made me feel that I needed equipment.

Giving up my position as an engineer at that time did not mean that I had great confidence. In fact, our husband and wife went through a lot of struggles, and in prayer, God really opened a way for us, so I didn’t dare to back down. Since I believe that this God is a real and living God, He is worthy of my service. In terms of work, God has given me many blessings and I have been climbing the ladder. But looking back, what if I retire and become the chairman of the board? I want to equip myself well while I am young to serve God.

KRC: Progressive muscular dystrophy is a long-term and difficult-to-treat disease. Some time ago, you taught a Bible class on the Book of Job at home. You must have a deeper understanding of this book than before. Please tell us about your experiences with Job. Experience and understanding of life.

Only when I got sick did I gradually understand what faith was. After going through many tests, I realized that as my spiritual life matures, the tests will become more and more severe. I have read the books of Job and Ecclesiastes many times, and read many reference books, but I still have the question: why do good and righteous people suffer. After getting sick and facing a life crisis, I had a true understanding of the Book of Job.

God used suffering to make Job trust God more and trust God completely. Job lost everything and got a sore, but he still said, "Blessed be the name of the Lord." (See Job 1:21) The devil failed. God is testing my faith. One time during a devotional I read Spurgeon’s words: “If suffering brings us closer to God, it is a blessed suffering!” I would add: Suffering is a hidden blessing!

KRC: My wife has gone through hardships and even sorrows while accompanying you. I deeply understand how difficult it is for you, but I also see your obedience and trust in God. Please talk about Master Mu and ministry from your perspective.

It is impossible for a husband and wife to serve God if they are not of the same mind, let alone serve God full time. What I admire most about her is that when I was moved to give up my job and go to seminary, she agreed to support me. Although the teacher's wife struggled, she obeyed.

When I first got sick, people asked me: "Can I get dressed? Can I take a bath? Can I use the toilet?" I said yes. But now the teacher's wife needs to do all these things, and it's very hard for her. My wife is a very loyal wife and a true friend. I owe her a lot. The two of us had many valuable experiences with God.

I often tell my children: "You are blessed. You have all seen the blessings God has given to our family. Dad has left nothing for you, only God's words. As you walk on God's path, you will I will have a blessed life. From birth to today, my life has been very rich and blessed by God. Being able to go to God is to go to a better place. So, you should be happy and don’t be sad. Live happily in the life God has given you.”

KRC: Whether you are teaching in a seminary or teaching Sunday school in a church, everyone has benefited a lot from your teachings. Please share your personal insights.

Solomon had a lot of experiences in his life, but none of them satisfied his heart. Because he knows that he cannot control his time and life. During the course of my illness, I understood Solomon’s mood more deeply. My faith has gone through high mountains and low valleys, and sometimes I can’t help but blame God and wonder why God makes me so miserable. But looking back, God has never abandoned me. He was with me, demonstrating His glory and power time and time again in my sick and weak body, enabling me to continue teaching and share His Word. As David said, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me." (Psalm 23:4)

When I faced death, I started to have fear, but today I can say: I saw God’s presence and experienced God’s faithfulness. My heart is very peaceful and very happy. In my sixty years of life, God has given me many rich and joyful days. My wife and I are grateful to God for living a safe and happy life every day. We don’t worry about the future because we know who holds tomorrow. God limits humans to time so that we can see the limitations of humans so that we can know God, fear God, make good use of every day, and live for God. Living happily and living for the Lord is the teaching and encouragement given to us by Ecclesiastes.

KRC: Your experience in faith is rich and valuable. Please give everyone words of encouragement.

Thank you all for your love, concern and prayers, which inspire us to continue serving the Lord. It is prayer that sustains us.

My encouragement is that when we are in suffering, especially when we are in danger of life, do not be afraid, do not give up on God, and have faith in God. Of course, I believe God can heal any disease and get me running again if He wants. If God wants us to go through suffering in His good will, it will definitely bring us closer to Him and know Him better. The book of James says: “Consider it all joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of various kinds.” (James 1:2) I didn’t understand this sentence at all before, but now I understand it.

God has His good intention, which is to bring us closer to Him, to put our money and lives completely in His hands, and to trust Him completely. Brothers and sisters, no matter what disasters you encounter, never lose faith. God is faithful. Maybe God will restore double blessings in our life, maybe not, but your life will become a blessing to others. No matter what happens to us, the greatest disaster will never be more painful than that of Job, but Job still said in the midst of suffering: "Blessed be the name of the Lord."

Those whom God tests are those whom He loves. What I want to send to my brothers and sisters is James 1:12: "Blessed is the one who endures temptation, for after passing the test he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord promised to those who love Him." I Dedicate yourself to God, because I love God, and God’s purpose in testing me is to give me a crown, so I should be happy.


On the afternoon of October 24, 2012, the weather was sunny and sunny, and I went to the pastor’s house for a summary interview as scheduled. Although the pastor in a wheelchair was frail, he was happy and joyful from beginning to end. The pastor told the story of his exposure to faith and belief in the Lord when he was a child; how he went from being a lukewarm Christian to a seminary student called by God; and how his respected eldest sister and relatives did not understand that he served God full-time. and opposition; about the hesitation and struggle he experienced in letting go of the halo given to him by the world; about his transition from complaining about God to being grateful to God during his illness; about the hard work of his mother and the support of his children. The pastor shared candidly, without lofty rhetoric or empty showoff, but with sincerity and humility, full of reverence, obedience, gratitude and praise to God.

The neat and bright living room has beautiful flowers blooming in the vase on the coffee table. Looking at the photo album compiled by the pastor's daughter for her parents, and listening to the pastor in a wheelchair talking about life and death with a smile on his face, it seems that his soul is undergoing a baptism. The pastor and his wife faced suffering, life and death, but their hearts were filled with peace and joy, and they praised and thanked God every day. The life of those who love God blooms with the glory of God and is also beautiful. I think of a passage in "The Desert's Sweet Spring": "In the midst of suffering, there is a mysterious, wonderful, and transcendent ability that is by no means understandable by human reason. Anyone who has not experienced great suffering will never know it. A suffering person Blessed is the man who can find the composure to laugh at his misery instead of asking God to deliver him from it; then the cross will begin to become a crown."

Interviewee profile:

Pastor Chen Lide was born in Taiwan in 1952. He immigrated to Brazil with his family in 1960 and graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of São Paulo in 1976. In 1990, he quit his career as an engineer and entered the South American Branch of the Christian Worker Theological Seminary in São Paulo, Brazil. He received a Master of Divinity two and a half years later. In 1993, he entered Dallas Theological Seminary and received a Master of Theology in 1995. After that, he returned to his mother church, the Overseas Chinese Christian Church in São Paulo, Brazil. Pastor, he also teaches and serves as academic director at the South American Chinese Christian Theological Seminary. In 1997, he entered Trinity Theological Seminary in Chicago to study full-time, and received a doctorate in Old Testament in 2001. From 2001 to 2004, he served full-time in Brazil. In 2004, he went to Houston to teach at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, attended the Houston Westside Chinese Church and served in the Sunday school. Together with Mrs. Chen Liyuan, she has two daughters and one son.