Issue 31
Kingdom Knowledge & Practice

 Raise the everlasting curtain

[New Era Bible Study] 2 Enjoy the prelude to the creation drama from the first two chapters of the Bible

Narrative guidance/Professor Lin Erwen

Compiled and written by Lin Wenxin

The show is on!
God begins with Genesis chapters 1 and 2,
Reflecting the hero Jesus Christ and the heroine of the entire Bible
God’s people meet and fall in love, go through twists and turns, are separated and reunited;
A happy ending.

In the previous issue of this journal (Issue 30), we introduced "dramatic theology" as a new systematic theological structure. The most basic presupposition is that the Bible is a normal and complete dramatic work with a unique creator. Even if the scriptwriter team The time and space are intertwined with the actor team, and the presentation methods and techniques are quite different, but the main ideas to be conveyed echo and are complete and coherent. This article is the second lecture of "Dramatic Theology", starting from the book of Genesis. Please see how the Creator unveiled the prelude to His perfect plan.

Prologue to Dramatic Theology: God’s Creation

Genesis Chapters 1 to 2:2 tells the story of God’s creation of the heavens and the earth, men and women, and various animals and plants, but its narrative method is selected and is not ordinary scientific terms, nor is it a brief history of science. God uses dramatic lenses to convey the maturation process of living beings and the purpose of creating all things, paving the way for the subsequent union of the hero Jesus Christ and the heroine God's people.

The first scene that comes into view is "the earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the abyss", implying that death is shrouded in it. Only after "the Spirit of God moved on the waters" can the construction of life begin. This shows the initial stage of a living body experiencing God. . On the first day of creation, God said, "Let there be light," separated light from darkness, "called the light day, and called the darkness night," and "saw that the light was good." This revealed to the world that people should know how to distinguish. To live, one must walk in the light.“On the second day God made the air and separated the water above the air from the water below it.”

▲The heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament proclaims His handiwork.

“On the third day, God caused the dry land to appear and made it grow grass, herbaceous plants bearing seed, and trees bearing fruit, and he called the gathering of waters a sea.”This is a beautiful land that nurtures the growth of life. All kinds of grasses, vegetables, and trees grow on it, which is not only pleasing to the eye, but also fragrant to the smell, and becomes the object of sacrifice (grain offering) in the future. Seeing this vibrant and prosperous scene before us, we can’t help but think of something Jesus said:"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." (John 12:24)The record of life facts starting from the third day also hides an important association: it was after Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected on the third day that he saved all those who were originally dead in trespasses and sins and allowed them to be saved. Live a new life!

God created a body of light on the fourth day. Judging from the progress of the first day, the source of light on the first day is unknown, while the source of light on the fourth day is specific. But after the light on the first day, the construction of life begins, and the growth and prosperity of life requires the continuous illumination of the light of the powerful entity on the fourth day. God created it on the fourth day"To separate day from night, and to let them serve as signs to establish seasons, days, and years; let them be lights in the firmament of heaven, to give light on the earth."of light, contrasting this with Paul’s exhortation in the New Testament:"Therefore do not let anyone judge you in matters of food or drink, or in matters of feasts, new moons, or Sabbaths. These are a shadow of things to come; but the form is Christ." (Colossians 2:16-17)Whether it is the light of the first day or the light body of the fourth day, they are not purely scientific terms. The "light" here collectively represents God, and the fourth day light bodies such as the sun, moon, and stars point to Christ. The body of light governs day and night, alluding to the necessary conditions for the growth of life - relying on Jesus as the true light and embarking on the path of life - even in the darkness before dawn, there are still stars shining, with Christ guiding the light and bringing the hope of eternal life.

On the fifth day, God created life forms that were different from plants—the creatures in the water and the birds in the air, each according to their kind. The various creatures living in the water, just like the people in the world who cannot escape the environment and roll around in the world of mortals, and the Christians who are unstable and have shallow lives, are quickly forced by the environment, contaminated and filled with the stench of death. Christians with a little more persistence can resist the attack of death like a living fish swimming in salt water. More mature Christians are like birds flying high, transcending the stagnant environment and restrictions, living a life beyond the world without being disturbed, just like a few Christians who live in isolation, only looking forward to wearing white clothes and waiting for the return of the Lord. But God’s intention in creation goes beyond this. He expects God’s children to show a more lively and mature life.

On the sixth day, God brought forth livestock and wild beasts from the earth, each according to its kind. He also created male and female according to the image, likeness, and nature of God, allowing humans to subdue the entire earth and manage all living creatures. This is God’s creation project. peak. After completing all the great work of creation, God rested on the seventh day, drawing a successful and beautiful end to the work of creating the heavens, the earth, and all things.

In the eyes of God, the level of life that is further than the fish swimming in the water and the birds in the air are the livestock and beasts on the earth. For example: cattle and sheep that can work hard and be used as sacrifices, and lions that symbolize victorious life. The Bible often uses these animals to express important spiritual meanings.

When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming to him, he said:"Behold, the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29)It refers directly to Jesus as the Lamb of God who died to bear the sins of the world. The disciple John saw"The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, who has conquered to open the book and open the seven seals."vision, and even heard a loud voice of praise saying:"Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power, riches, wisdom, power, honor, glory and praise." (Refer to Revelation 5:5, 13)It refers to Jesus Christ, the flawless Lamb, who fulfilled God’s will and completely defeated Satan’s schemes.

The apostle Paul said:“The beloved Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn before all creation. For by him were all things created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible. ; or thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers; all were created by him, and for him, who is before all things, and by whom all things are established, and by him also the whole body. First. He is the beginning, the first to rise from the dead, that He may have the preeminence in all things, because in Him all fullness may dwell, through the blood of His cross. Peace, by whom he is reconciling all things to himself, whether on earth or in heaven." (Colossians 1:15-20)In fact, God created the heavens and earth and all things to reveal Christ, and created man to reveal the glory and beauty of God. Therefore, there is a more detailed description in the second chapter of Genesis. What is hidden behind these words that is worth exploring? What's the secret?

Type of the Eternal Dramatic Protagonist: Adam

After watching God's orderly creation process, the camera rewinds to the sixth day when God created man, clearly letting the audience know that God created man from dust and breathed life into his nostrils to make him a living, spiritual being. , and named him Adam, placed him in the beautiful Paradise of Eden, and asked him to manage and guard it.

The name Adam has two meanings: man and red earth (that is, it comes from dust and will return to dust). In the eyes of God, there are only two "people" named Adam on the whole earth. The apostle Paul made this very clear:“This is also what is written in the Scripture: ‘The first man Adam became a living spiritual being’; and the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. But the spiritual was not first, but the natural was first. Spiritual. The first man came from the earth and was of the earth; the second man came from the heaven. As the one who is of earth, so are those who are of earth; and as with the heaven, so are those who are of heaven. . Just as we have an earthly form, we will also have a heavenly form.” (1 Corinthians 15:45b-49)"Adam, the first man" is Adam who was created by God from the ground and breathed into life to receive life. He possesses the image, likeness, and nature of God and can express the glory of God. As God's representative, he governs all creation. This is the first man created by God and represents all mankind.

▲The creatures in the water and the birds in the air are all according to their kind.

It is a pity that the first Adam failed to overcome the temptation of Satan. Instead, he brought "death" into the lives of all mankind, failed to fully demonstrate the glory and image of God, and gave Satan an opportunity to take advantage of him. Fortunately, there is a "second Adam" - the "last Adam" - the heavenly Jesus Christ, born of a virgin conceived by the Holy Spirit. He is both man and God, and can overcome the power of death of sin. It was Adam who sinned. The Redeemer who later rescued the world from the snare of sin can be said to be the "new man Adam" who fulfilled the purpose of the first Adam - the "old man Adam" who could not fully manifest the glory of God.

Many comic book superheroes, such as Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Iron Man, etc., usually have to undergo "disguise" and "incarnation" before they can act in a certain place at a certain time. He is a chivalrous man who eradicates evil and deceives others by hiding his identity and living a life of dual identities. However, he has fatal weaknesses in his own character or superpowers. This is not the case with the protagonist of the Bible, Jesus Christ.

In the immortal drama of the Bible, God used a very special method to introduce the real protagonist of the drama - the "last Adam" - Jesus Christ. Throughout the Old Testament stories, He seems to have been hidden, but the Psalms and Prophets often reveal here and there how the coming male protagonist, the Messiah (Christ), is divine and perfect. And not guilty.

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah even stated clearly:“Many were astonished at Him; His appearance was haggard than other men’s; His countenance was wither than that of men.” (Isaiah 52:14)Those Jews who judged people based on their appearance did not know Jesus at all. As a result, He experienced scorn and rejection by many unbelievers. He often encountered suffering and sorrow. In the end, he was crucified and tortured to death in order to save the world. His followers also They all fled away and abandoned Him, completely subverting the "tall, handsome and rich" image of the male protagonists in ordinary novels and dramas.

In addition, what the aforementioned superheroes cannot achieve is the redemptive effect of Jesus Christ. It is not only powerful and transcends time and space, but also reaches far away. Everyone in the world can rely on His precious blood to cover them and be declared righteous by faith. Go on the path of sanctification, regain victory, and reign with Christ in the future. As it is"The nations will walk in the light of the city, and the kings of the earth will give their glory to that city. Its gates will never be shut during the day, and there will be no night there. People will give to that city the glory and honor of the nations." (Revelation 21: 24-26)

Death is not the end of the Bible (script). Jesus Christ, the "last Adam" who has gone through all the temptations of Satan's enemies (villain actors), "resurrected three days later" just as He predicted before His crucifixion. He was originally extremely depressed and disappointed. Because the apostles witnessed the power of Jesus’ resurrection, each of them was willing to die for the Lord. They went around the world to preach the gospel and lead people to the Lord. They not only established the church, but also expanded the kingdom of God!

The foreshadowing of the "ultimate marriage" of the male and female protagonists in the eternal drama: Adam and Eve become one body

Pulling the camera back to Adam, God even said that it was not good for Adam to live alone and that he needed a spouse to help him. Just after Adam named all the living creatures on earth and in the air, and understood deeply that his spouse would not be found among livestock, birds, and beasts, God caused him to fall into a deep sleep as if dead, took out a rib from his body, and Created Eve. As soon as Adam saw Eve, he immediately began to praise Eve, which became the first love song a man dedicated to a woman:"This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. You can call her 'woman' because she was taken from 'man.'" So Eve was taken from Adam and brought back to Adam, husband and wife. The two joined together and became one flesh (see Genesis 2:18-24).

After God completed the work of creating male and female, He felt complete, satisfied and rested - the apostle Paul had a particularly clear understanding of God's intention. He once exhorted husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the church and to lay down his life for the church. Self; Wives are to submit to their husbands in everything, as to the Lord. The mystery of the union of husband and wife into one flesh refers to the union of Christ and the Church (see Ephesians 5:22-32). There is no opposition between the status of men and women in Christ. From the perspective of creation, women come from men; from the perspective of procreation, men come from women. The two need and depend on each other. Because all things come from the great Creator, such a balanced and beautiful relationship between men and women is ordained by God (see 1 Corinthians 11:12). Therefore, everyone will ultimately be united with the Creator, that is, become one spirit with God (see 1 Corinthians 6:16-17)

The blockbuster 3D movie "Avatar" tells that the Na'vi on Pandora can control spiritual bird mounts through the nerve endings in their braids, and can also connect and communicate with the willow-like endings hanging down from the sacred tree goddess. Other trees and the sacred tree can be connected to each other from the roots. Therefore, between trees, between trees and Na'vi people, and between Na'vi people and animals, a huge neural network can be formed through the connection of peripheral nerves. The life of the Na'vi people is one with the earth.

Human beings are not like the fictional Na'vi people in the movie, who use peripheral nerves to connect to the earth. If people want to have close communication with God, the Creator, they must use their heart and honesty (see John 4:23-24). Human beings after sin and fall need the redemption of the precious blood of Jesus Christ. After trusting Jesus with faith and being reborn and saved, God will give us a seal so that the Holy Spirit can indwell our hearts, making us God’s people and living together with Him. Dwell in the kingdom of God.

The union between Christ and the church is like the union between Adam and Eve. Christ is the Bridegroom (see Matthew 9:15, John 3:27-30), the church is the bride, and the church is composed of God’s people (see 2 Corinthians 11:2). Just as Eve came from Adam and returned to Adam, the church also comes from Christ and returns to Christ! In the end, the two will be joined together and enter the New Jerusalem city shining with the glory of God (refer to Revelation 21:9-27).

Under the framework of dramatic theology, how can the male protagonist Adam (a type of the last Adam, Jesus Christ) who lives in the Garden of Eden, and the heroine Eve (a type of God’s chosen people, Israel and the church) maintain the status of “princes”? How long will it take to live happily with the princess? This is related to the path they choose in the future.

Two main lines in the script: two worlds apart from each other in life.

Looking back at the trees in the Garden of Eden, the trees are all different and beautiful, but the camera stops on two trees: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Human beings, as created beings, must rely on "eating" to maintain their lives. God specifically commanded Adam to eat freely of all the fruits of the trees in the garden, but not to eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, because the consequence of eating the forbidden fruit was death, separation from God. Faced with this prohibition, did Adam, standing in front of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil, choose to obey? Still disobeying? If you were Adam, what would you choose?

The disciple John said:“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word was in the beginning with God. … In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. … The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, filling the The earth is full of grace and truth; and we have seen his glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father” (John 1:1-2, 4, 14).It shows that life is in the word of God, Jesus Christ is life, and He is the specific incarnation of God. Jesus also said:"I am the true vine, and my Father is the Vine." (John 15:1)Compare this to the vision of the disciple John:"On one side of the river and on the other side was the tree of life, which bore twelve kinds of fruit; its leaves were for the healing of all the people." (Revelation 22:2)Revealing the reality that Christ is the true vine, the tree of life. If we can take Christ as our food of life on a daily basis and always draw close to God’s words, our lives will be full and overflowing, like a clear and flowing spring, overflowing with God’s truth, goodness and beauty.

If we choose the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, human eyes will be as bright as God’s and can know good and evil. Isn’t this “the best of both worlds”? But God made it clear that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the source of human death. In other words, choosing the tree of knowledge of good and evil allowed Satan, the ruler of the power of death, to succeed. Satan is extremely cunning and evil, and can even inject the poison of death into the beautiful things of God, such as the Bible and laws given by God, and all things that are in line with biblical morality, to induce people to turn away from God. Jesus testified:"You search the Scriptures, because in them you think you have eternal life; they are the Scriptures that testify about me. Yet you refuse to come to me and have life." (John 5:39-40)Human beings who have eaten the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil will eventually be misled by their cleverness.

The tree of life in the Bible requires people to live relying on God and enjoy light, peace, satiety, and joy; but the tree of knowledge of good and evil requires people to live in rebellion against God and enter darkness, chaos, emptiness, and pain. These two roads run from Genesis, the first chapter of the Bible, to Revelation, the last chapter: walking towards the tree of life, the end point is the New Jerusalem city, which is as bright as crystal; walking towards the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the end point is the city of judgment. Lake of Fire - These two trees represent two completely different paths of life, and everyone must make a choice between them, without exception.


Poetry/Lin Erwen

The most beautiful sweetness of Eden
Watch the flowers bloom beautifully
All you can see is in various shapes and forms
Harmony of all things and animals
Adam was the only one who saw it
He appears in the garden all day long
Morning and night
day and night
Although there are flowers and birds chirping,
Feeling sad in my heart as if something is missing
Alone and happy, still sad
This reflects the Creator’s heart and thoughts
It’s not good to be alone, how can we be deeply attached to each other?
He taught him to lie down and dream
Take one thing off him
out of dust create another perfection
After waking up, bring him to him
The two eventually met and fell in love with each other
Happily Ever After
day day month month year year
The garden of contented rest is my Eden

The instructor’s brief profile, Mr. Lin Erwen, has unique insights into dramatic theology and hopes to integrate some projects linking theology and literature to meet the spiritual needs of all walks of life.

Organize and write articles

Lin Wenxin is from Hsinchu, Taiwan. She is studying with her husband and now lives in Minnesota, USA. I like beautiful things, touching true stories, and capturing the wonders of nature with my camera. Now I am learning to use my pen to serve and start another journey full of blessings.