Issue 62
Kingdom Knowledge & Practice

Pay tribute to the immortal "King of Wakanda"

[Dialogue with pop culture]

Live a life of faith

Hollywood actor Chadwick Boseman, who played the leading role in the Marvel superhero movie "Black Panther", was shocked to hear that he died of cancer on August 28, 2020. He died at home. He was 43 years old. This international superstar, who has brought to life one legendary character after another on the screen, is also a superhero in real life: he often visits terminally ill children in hospitals; donates medical supplies to community hospitals during the epidemic; and has repeatedly supported the black civil rights movement. , calling on society to face up to the racial plight of black and white. Therefore, he has become a "superhero" idol in the minds of many young Americans.

由於家中有兩個「超級英雄」鐵粉,為了能在餐桌上參與「英雄殞落」的討論,我趕緊惡補功課,觀看鮑斯曼主演的《黑豹》,以及電視台緬懷他所製作的紀念video. While reading relevant reports on the Internet's hot search rankings, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the reason why this "King of Wakanda" is able to live a life-oriented, continuous improvement, and not follow the crowd in the highly competitive film industry is closely related to his belief in The principles are so closely connected that he is able to do something and not do something when faced with the challenges of his theater career.

Born in Anderson, South Carolina, Bowsman graduated from Howard University in Washington, D.C., which has produced many African-American entertainers and outstanding politicians, majoring in directing. During his schooling, Neely, a Baptist pastor who watched him grow up, described Bosman as an extremely focused person, "He knows what he wants and always goes all out!"

▲Bosman left a profound impact on the film industry and life because he lived a life model of faith. The picture shows him playing the role of Major League legend Jackie Robinson in the movie "42".

Pastor Neely said that no matter how many roles Boseman plays on the screen, he has never changed off the stage and is a man who truly lives out his faith.

As a Christian, Boseman often spoke publicly about his faith. He shared that he had prayed for the role of "Black Panther". In addition to the success of the film, which generated more than 1.3 billion U.S. dollars at the box office, it was also nominated for seven Oscars, including Best Picture, writing an unprecedented milestone for the superhero film series. The classic line "Wakanda Forever" in the play has become a common symbol of African culture and self-identity in the black community; for Boseman himself, his outstanding performance in "Black Panther" has transformed his His acting career has reached another peak.

Bosman exudes confidence on the screen, but off the screen he never forgets to glorify God at all times; faith is an important foundation and motivation in his life, reminding him of humility and gentleness, and driving him to pursue excellence.

Bosman skillfully quoted Bible verses in speeches and interviews, showing that God's words have become "incarnate" into his acting career and life.

When the media asked how the movie "42" depicts the legendary major league star Jackie Robinson and how his Christian background shaped his life, Bosman quoted the "fruit of the Spirit" from the Bible book of Galatians. To describe Robinson, "I believe that God has preparation, selection, and destiny in his life...because many are called but few are chosen. He must have the fruit of the Holy Spirit in is God in him. Let him overcome all difficulties."

▲Every time he takes on a black man who has always been a victim or a character with no future, he always has the courage to challenge the current system and system.

(Image Source:

At the 2019 American Film Institute Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremony, Boseman expressed his gratitude to Denzel Washington for sponsoring him to attend a summer study program at Oxford University at the British Academy of Drama. At the end of his speech, he quoted Paul's words to the church in Ephesus, "May God do more abundantly than all you ask or think, according to the power that works in you."

Bosman used his celebrity influence to point people to God, reminding people of the Old Testament story of Daniel who was thrown into the lion's den. With wisdom and courage, King Darius knew his God and issued a decree. Tell the nation, "Treat and fear before the God of Daniel." Similarly, Peter in the New Testament used his influence as the leader of the disciples to demonstrate to Jewish Christians that God had given grace to the Gentiles. , they also received the baptism of the Holy Spirit together.

lives that continue to impact

Biblical scholar William Barclay said that there are two most important days in life: the day you are born and the day you discover your purpose. Apparently Bousman realized early on the importance of identifying life goals.

When he returned to his alma mater, Howard University, to address the graduates in 2018, he encouraged the students in the audience with the Book of Jeremiah that finding life goals is far more important than planning the next job or career. He says that once you have a clear goal, the struggles along the way will shape you for that goal.

He shared that in his film career, every time he received a role where black people were victims or had no future, he always had the courage to challenge the current system and system. Even if this means the possibility of losing their current jobs, it will make producers and screenwriters willing to try to break away from the "stereotype" when writing the next black character, and it will also pave the way for a broader career for the actors who will later take over Bosman's role. road.

▲Some plant, others water, and God makes it grow.

"I planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the growth." Once again, Bosman quoted Paul's words to encourage graduates of his alma mater: You may not be able to watch the seeds you plant grow, but you may have to do this. Pay a high price, but you must believe that God is the one who causes the seeds to grow. Your purpose and responsibility in the world is to live out God’s destiny!

Bosman’s social media IG left the last text:

"Chadwick was diagnosed with stage III colorectal cancer in 2016. He battled the disease for four years and later progressed to stage IV. The glory of his career was giving life to the Black Panther. He passed away at home, surrounded by his wife and With his family by his side, Chadwick is a true fighter who has persevered and delivered films that many people love, from Marshall to Da 5 Bloods. "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom" (still in production) and many other films were filmed during countless surgeries and chemotherapy. The greatest pride and honor of his career is to bring Emperor Charla to "Black Bottom". "Leopard" world.

Bouseman's death happened to be the same day Major League Baseball celebrated Jackie Robinson Day. Major League Baseball tweeted in memory of Bosman: "His masterful performance in the movie '42' will stand the test of time and will therefore become the most powerful tool in telling Robinson's story to future generations." .

"King of Wakanda" T'Challa left too fast, but his soul will remain immortal; his example of living a life of faith will also become a story that will be passed down from generation to generation. He had fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith.


Chadwick Boseman Tribute to Denzel Washington | AFI 2019 | TNT (

Shi Lingyu, former Zhongtian Satellite TV news anchor. Now living in Southern California, she has two daughters and enjoys a simple and ordinary home life. A co-worker of the Genesis Literary Training Bookstore.