Issue 18
Kingdom Families

Where is home in heaven and earth?

【Confidence born of storm】3

Standing alone in the white snow, as small as an ant, I suddenly realized: I am a princess! Because I accept God, this great man, the King of heaven and earth, as my father!

"I must come back for the Spring Festival." Dad said on the phone. That's the calling. The longing revealed in the thick Hunan accent is very long. And from this small town known as the "World's Factory" to my hometown, it only takes more than six hours by car, so the journey is not long...


The Spring Festival is here. On the TV screen in the lobby of a Taiwan-funded electronics factory, there is a sea of people at the train station and bus station. Some people are holding umbrellas, some are wearing raincoats, and there are large and small bags in red, orange, yellow, green and blue colors on their hands and backs, and all their faces are frowning. . Telephone poles in my hometown were broken, trees fell, walls were crooked... and a lot of wind and snow fell from the sky! I've never seen anything like this. Where is the house? A vast expanse of white! Is the Spring Festival coming, or is a catastrophe imminent?

I called Brother Yuan and Sister Jing on my mobile phone to express my concerns. "Of course it's good to go home. But the media reported that the temperature in China is very strange this year. South China, which does not snow during the Spring Festival, has had several heavy snowfalls in succession! Trains and cars can't go! Tens of thousands of people stayed at the station overnight, and Premier Wen even went to express condolences Everyone. How can you get home?" They were anxious.

How could you not answer dad's call? I am his only one. I was also anxious: "The big shot can help me get home!" They asked me to ask the big shot for help on the phone. I felt relieved and went on the road the next day.

In the crowded car, which was hard to get a ticket, I felt like a gray and cold day. Looking at the various combinations of couples, couples, parents, children, etc., I couldn't help but think of my distant childhood home.

▲In January 2008, Xuancheng-Power Supply Station employees braved heavy snow to repair lines.

Once upon a time

Before I was five years old, my parents’ relationship was a modern Chinese version of Snow White and Prince Charming. But Ma's sweetness and gentleness were jealous of others, and her repeated cruel words deeply hurt Ma's heart. One day, she drank pesticide! The liver and intestines were ruptured, leaving me and my three-year-old sister behind. Home is gone.

When I was fifteen, I moved to the city alone and worked as a busboy in a small restaurant for two years, and then entered the production line of an electronics factory. Taiwanese say that life is full of seas. Only you can love yourself in this world! I often go to karaoke bars, ice skating rinks, and visit women's markets with my best friends. I am willing to be a moonlight clan! I only think of my father when I can't sleep late at night - he is sick and weak, so I don't dare to think about him.

That day, my father said that his sister, who was working outside, called him on the cell phone and told him, "From now on, she will never treat me as my daughter," and then hung up the phone. Is this another farewell? From then on, Dad and I could never find her again! "What happened to her in the past three years? Is the world dirty or clean? God, please give me a clean sister!" I shouted to the sky.

▲On February 3, 2008, heavy snow closed roads in central and southern China, causing difficulties in transporting food to Hong Kong and Macao. Many vehicles transporting pigs and cattle were stuck on the way. The picture shows vehicles jammed on the Hunan section of the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway.


Now that I am the only one left with Dad, how can I refuse his call? cannot! I want to go home often! I will be twenty years old during the Chinese New Year this year...

"The road ahead is too thick and dangerous with ice and snow! We can't drive on! Everyone needs to get out of the car!" the driver yelled, interrupting my recollection. As soon as I got off the car, I felt like I was thrown into the refrigerator. Looking around, I had no choice but to walk home - walking in several inches of snow for more than ten hours!

The media these days say that some people walked in the snow for so long that their legs turned into popsicles when they got home! Doctors can't save it, they can only saw it off! I began to shout confidently to myself: "Come on! I have the most stable and biggest support!" The cold wind and drizzle hit my face and penetrated my bones. There was no human habitation on the earth, and it was getting late. I'm freezing! Hungry! tired! But there are big people leading the way, so I just rush!

▲Hundreds of thousands of passengers were waiting at the Guangzhou Railway Station Square as heavy snow and ice disrupted many railway arteries leading to the north.


The earth seems to be wearing a velvet white robe, and the white pine trees are like angels with arms spread out. It reminds me of Brother Yuan and Sister Jing who were dressed in white when they first came to the factory. Anyone they met two or three times would extend their arms and give them a warm hug when they saw each other again. The hug seemed to come from an angel. "I want a hug too!" I often shout out my desire bravely to Sister Jing. Being hugged felt like returning to a warm home.

Remember they said that God’s wish is for everyone to be “as white as snow and return to the eternal home of the Father in Heaven!” Does this have anything to do with my current life of wandering around? What's the use? Where is the wanderer's home? I didn't understand it at the time.

▲In Chenzhou, Hunan, a minibus was trapped due to icy roads. The worst weather in 50 years has nearly frozen several southeastern provinces and stranded cars on highways.

Standing alone in the white snow, as small as an ant, I suddenly realized: I am a princess! Because I accept God, this great man, the King of heaven and earth, as my father! His power is greater than that of the presidents of great nations. Thunder, lightning, rain, and snow all obey His command. Suddenly, a road poked its head out of the thick snow in the mountain forest!

A light appeared in front of me, and a figure grew bigger and bigger! I picked up my numb feet that were stuck in the snow and ran towards Him... In the light of the sky, I looked up and thanked you. In heaven and earth, Father is here and home is here.

Author profile

Shan Shan was born in Taiwan, studied in the United States, lived in China, and longed to serve the Kingdom of God.