Issue 48
Kingdom Families

Ordinary but not simple

Editing and proofreading from the Japanese drama "Queen of Proofreading" to "Kingdom of God"

Organizing/Oh Shin-hye

What? Mr. Su Wen'an, the editor-in-chief of "Kingdom of God" magazine, has given another assignment to his team of colleagues!
What? Teacher Su said that we should watch the Japanese drama "Ordinary is Not Simple - School Review Girl Etsuko Kono"!
What? Do you still want to write a response after reading it?
Then, Teacher Su sent a very weighty letter:

Get into the right position and go all out

Assume that the church or KRC is a symphony orchestra that praises the Lord through service. Although each minister has different positions, they have the same value in the eyes of the Lord. Bernstein, the world-renowned symphony orchestra conductor, believes that the position of second violinist in a symphony orchestra is the most valuable.

Bernstein said: "I can find many first violinists, but it is not easy to find a competent second violinist. The skill of the second violinist may be equal to that of the first violinist, but he must He must be able to cooperate with the concertmaster and echo the whole orchestra; he must not only be good at playing the piano, but he must also be able to coordinate well with the orchestra without being too pushy.”

Yes, in the team, everyone has a specialty, but only by supporting and coordinating each other can we exert our greatest strength and achieve results that are acceptable to the command post in heaven.

Recently, teachers Shin Hye and Li Li strongly recommended a 2016 hit Japanese drama "Ordinary and Not Simple - Proofreading Girl Kono Etsuko" (also known as: Proofreading Queen). The heroine Etsuko Kono is sunny, creative, outspoken, and loves to dress up and look beautiful. She applied for a job at a major publishing house and wanted to join the editorial department of its fashion magazine. She applied persistently for seven years. In the seventh year, she was finally hired, but was sent to the proofreading department in the basement of the group building, where she was responsible for finding manuscripts for books and magazines. Typos in the text, and confirm information about people, times, places, things, things, etc. At the end, the heroine's boyfriend said to her: "You are the kind of person who will do your job wholeheartedly even if your dreams are elsewhere."

There are people in this world whose dreams come true, and there are those who cannot. There are people who do spectacular work, and there are people who remain unknown. But no matter what they do, whether it is proofreading, repairing children's play equipment in the park, repairing screws on MRT tracks or land bridges, or even being housewives, they are doing their best in unknown corners. Do a good job in making people feel that these behind-the-scenes heroes are taken for granted and do not feel the existence, and this is the purpose of their existence.

If you can do this, then every day in the cycle will become meaningful and irreplaceable. Such a person is "ordinary but not simple"! Therefore, there is such a saying: "There are only small roles in the world, not small actors!"

Dear co-workers, what are our roles in the orchestra of church, KRC, home, or workplace? Maybe it's like the first violinist, who is always the center of attention; maybe it's like the second violinist, who needs to support, coordinate, and cooperate with other team members; or maybe it's like the percussionist, who is only assigned to do a specific thing at a specific moment. It is also very possible that you and I can completely hide behind the scenes and support others. The most likely situation is that at some times and on some occasions, we are the first violinist, and on other occasions, we have to play the second violinist, or are only responsible for beating one gong or one gong during the entire performance. The one who plays cymbals or timpani may even become a support staff member who is not on stage at all and only manages the venue and equipment before and after the performance. But no matter what, you and I are an integral part of the team and must follow instructions and coordinate with all other team members.

Now that Teacher Su has mentioned this, the co-workers should go all out and take some time out from the busy work and trivial matters of life to watch a Japanese drama! Feelings are coming in one after another...

First of all, art editor Zhou Lanhui shared her thoughts:

Enter the realm of beauty with an honest heart

Proofreading gives the impression that it is a job hidden behind the scenes, perhaps almost monotonous. The heroine is passionate about fashion. She wears different outfits and combinations every time she appears. She always wants to enter the fashion industry, but she doesn't look like she can do this. However, as long as you put your mind to anything, you will always learn something. As she devotes herself to work, the heroine's experience perspective also changes. In the end, she is willing to give up her dream position as a peer because she wants to be true to herself and be an honest person.

Also, no matter how beautiful the appearance is, without an honest heart, no matter how dazzling it is, it cannot enter the realm of beauty. Our life is sometimes like a proofreader. There are many times when we are silently checking for others. Although we do not have the aura of the spotlight in front of others, we can still show our unique temperature and height, moving ourselves and others!

▲The heroine Etsuko Kono enters the realm of beauty with an honest heart.

A few days later, guest writer Liao Meihui, who loves taking notes, sent her viewing records:

Silently guarding "it's natural"

There are two short lines of dialogue in the play "The Proofreading Queen" that have been lingering in my mind.

After a best-selling author reunited with his son, whom he had not seen for twenty years, one day his son asked him a question: "It must be painful for you to write a bestseller that caters to the public instead of writing in the style you originally dreamed of?" "

The writer's father replied: "No! I feel very happy because I meet the needs of readers. Satisfying others not only brings happiness to others, but also brings happiness to myself!"

Everyone has his or her original dream in life, but dreams sometimes take a turn. In addition, another senior proofreader in the play also said something to the heroine: "If the proofreading is wrong, it is the fault of the entire company. Our role is the silent "natural" guardian!" The seemingly inconspicuous proofreading work, He is actually the most important guardian of the company's reputation.

No matter what we do or what job we are engaged in, when we can feel the sense of "being needed" that brings happiness to others, we will also feel happy, generate motivation, and be willing to become a silent "natural" guardian.

We should be grateful to the many silent "natural" guardians in society, in the church, and in our families. Here, I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to the silent "natural" guardians of the KRC team over the years.

▲Silently guarding "it's natural" (dialogue between father and son of the famous writer in the play).

It’s not easy to treat a Japanese drama as homework and write a response at the same time. Each episode must be carefully appreciated, the dialogues chewed, and the thoughts accumulated. So for a long time, everyone was in a state of "brewing" until the unit editor sent a reminder letter. Jian Hailan, a staff writer who is always very serious in the team, sent her response:

A hard-working and serious heart is the most beautiful

Some things can only be done if you like them, especially the laborious proofreading work. The heroine goes to great lengths to squeeze into a publishing company, even to the point where the proofreading department in the basement is willing to give in. However, over time, she was able to gain many unforgettable experiences from her hard work, which she benefited from endlessly.

When she was proofreading the text of her favorite author, she couldn't proofread calmly and made a mistake; because she got carried away, a word was missing from the cover of the book she was proofreading. When her colleagues helped to correct it in time, she caught up with the new book launch. During this period, she got the editor-in-chief Understanding: "Everyone has been in that situation." Everyone worked together to help her correct her mistakes. The spirit of not complaining, only making amends, the deep reflection, apology and gratitude, through a sentence from the bottom of the heart. : "Let everyone worry!" It makes the goodness of people's hearts fully revealed!

The heroine uses the various types of books that have been proofread to generate a lot of positive energy in the concept of clothing magazines. She can tell the truth to readers and be a person who faces herself sincerely. Therefore, a lovely and beautiful woman not only has a pretty face, but also has a heart that works hard and does her job well. The seemingly ordinary proofreading work actually created this extraordinary "proofreading queen"!

▲A hard-working and serious heart is the most beautiful (some members of the proofreading department in the play).

Teacher Li Wenping, who led the "Poetry and Distance" new poetry class on the 2016 Kingdom of God cruise and is also the editor of this magazine, responded with her thoughts of looking into the distance:

Who touched our sense of existence

The ten-episode TV series Proofreader Girls is light-hearted, funny, and inspiring. In the ninth episode, the beautiful and straightforward heroine Etsuko Kono enters a low point in her life and becomes depressed. In my opinion, this is the climax of the story, which highlights a problem that everyone faces: sense of existence or sense of value. Etsuko Kono was misunderstood and criticized for pointing out problems with dedication, and was ridiculed as "wanting to gain a sense of presence." She had originally felt that no one would notice how exhausting the proofreading work was, and she was a little disappointed. Now she felt even more discouraged, losing her usual enthusiasm and energy. Fortunately, there were people who discouraged her and others who encouraged her, allowing her to see that behind the parks, electricity and other natural facilities, there are people who are invisible to the public, maintaining this "naturalness" and seeing the meaning behind the scenes. This allowed her to be herself again, bold and bright. Her inner sense of existence has returned, and she can respond confidently and politely to sarcasm. She has gone from being affected by others' negative attitudes to influencing others with confidence.

In fact, who doesn’t need a sense of presence? The question is, who gives people a sense of existence? Who stole this sense of existence? Kono found her value and confidence from the meaning. My sense of existence was once lost. Thank you Lord, He found it and gave it back to me.

▲Etsuko Kono: Who touched my sense of existence?

Han Jiahua, the senior sister of the editorial team and special writer, watched the drama carefully, looked up Japanese words and related words carefully, and wrote down her thoughts very sincerely:

Follow God closely and take responsibility

In the play, there is an irresponsible editor Kaizuka. He flatters his superiors and bullies his subordinates. He likes to take credit but refuses to take responsibility. Like an octopus, he sprays ink and flees the scene when he is in danger. The heroine Etsuko Kono rolls her eyes and calls him out when she sees him. "Octopus" means "nuisance!" "No responsibility!"

When Kaizuka saw the disheartened writer Kiritani Hata making a living by delivering goods, he suddenly realized that his harsh words and irresponsibility had crushed the dream of a young man with talent and ideals as a writer. In order to atone for his sin, he waited in front of Kiritani's shabby apartment. The dusk was already thick. When Kiritani approached, the sky and the earth were blurry. There was a tree-like figure standing at attention and slowly bending down to his waist. His head was lowered to the ground. The shell mound was walking. I bowed at the most respectful ninety degrees to ask for forgiveness, and tears welled up in the corners of my eyes.

Kaizuka recommended Kiritani to the head of the editorial department. That moment of "I'm responsible!" was a breakthrough! It's growth! In order to deliver Kiritani's novel to the printing house at six o'clock in the morning, he lowered his body and bent down to beg for help. From nightfall to dawn, he ran like a servant to deliver the novel. "Companionship and service" were his actions after repentance.

The thought of "acknowledging full responsibility" makes people shudder. My nature does not like to be the first, but God teaches people wonderfully. He puts me in a position where I must be responsible, and gently grinds me like ink until I promise not to evade or evade. Every morning, I meet with God first before I meet people. Just as the psalmist said: "My heart follows you closely, and your right hand upholds me." (Psalm 63:8) He gives me enough strength and strength. Grace makes taking responsibility not as difficult as I imagined.

▲Editor in charge Kaizuka (right) bowed to the author Kiritani who was seriously injured by him and asked for forgiveness.

Zheng Qiongyu, the enterprise editor of the related unit who joined the editorial team last year, first came into contact with the literary ministry as a proofreader. She received her first assignment after joining the team:

The room for expression hidden in basic skills

When I was involved in church literature work many years ago, my first task was proofreading. At that time, I thought that "proofreading" was just a boring job of correcting typos, so I was a little disappointed like the heroine in the play. This series opened my eyes to the fact that "proofreading" has so much room for creativity. Only through the joint efforts of proofreaders, authors, and editors can we create excellent books and magazines.

The heroine's enthusiasm and work achievements have infected her colleagues, winning the respect and friendship of the author and editor. She has gradually found it difficult to give up the proofreading work, but the work is not always smooth. She once devoted herself wholeheartedly to a blogger's debut novel, but she was careless when proofreading the cover. It wasn't until the book was printed that she discovered that something was wrong. Check carefully word by word to ensure that the content is correctly worded. Although it is boring, it is the most important basic skill of proofreading. I made a similar mistake not long ago, so I felt very deeply about it.

Grateful Kingdom of God Team

"Kingdom of God" magazine is now in its thirteenth year, and many scenes in the drama have similar situations among the editorial team. Once, when the cover was being prepared for printing, I saw that the English word was missing one letter. However, during the flight to Indonesia, the English art editor immediately turned on the computer as soon as she got off the plane and quickly corrected it before sending it out. After the entire magazine went through the second and third schools, Teacher Su thought that there was a sentence in the article that still needed to be revised before it could be fully expressed. At night in the United States and at noon in Taiwan, I asked the Taiwanese editor on the phone to rush to the printing department to "snatch" it for revision.

Every editorial staff member of the "Kingdom of God" magazine is also a proofreader, working hard day and night to complete the proofreading work within the specified time. When talking about proofreading, we have to mention Lin Minwen, the recognized “Queen of Proofreading” in the team. The gentle and slender Minwen is serious and meticulous. Her words, typos, punctuation marks, and spaces are not used accurately, and her sharp proofreading eyes rarely escape her. After watching "The Queen of Proofreading", the lovely Minwen humorously requested that "dress up fashionably when proofreading! Keeping yourself and the article in your hands neat, decent, and pleasing to the eye is a sign of professionalism" in the standard operating procedures for proofreading. .

Of course, the final check of each issue of "Kingdom of God" is the editor-in-chief, Mr. Su Wen'an, who takes care of every detail. Teacher Su not only taught editing and proofreading carefully in the editing class, but also led by example and was never sloppy in her writing service.

▲Lin Minwen, the gentle and lovely "proofreading queen" of "Kingdom of God" magazine.

In addition to the colleagues in the American team, we would also like to thank Tian'en Publishing House and Taiwan colleagues who have accompanied us for twelve years. Ruan Xuanmei is the unwavering art editor of "The Kingdom of God" magazine. She often works hard, patiently cooperates, and is careful. design. I would also like to thank the past Taiwanese executive editors Weng Jingyu and Zheng Feiru. Jingyu accepted a large number of manuscripts that we threw at her and asked her to deal with them, but she treated them gently; Feiru was willing to cooperate with novices and could handle the publishing orders with the wrong number of pages properly. There are also many behind-the-scenes co-workers and volunteers who are working silently. Thank you everyone!

Why take editing a free magazine so seriously? Because it is God’s entrustment. It is God who gives us the dream and passion for word service. His miraculous grace brings us together. He is the chief helmsman of the magazine. He not only protects the beliefs and visions conveyed by the magazine, but also protects the our hearts.

Editor's Profile Wu Xinhui, the editor of this magazine, likes to watch dramas with a small number of episodes. I like traveling, writing, and food. Thank you for participating in the text ministry.