Issue 67
Kingdom Knowledge & Practice

all forces of good

▲Even though the future is unknown, what is certain is that God is still in control, and His power of goodness covers the entire earth.

four dark horses

A child picked up a small yellowed book "The Hiding Place" while reading before going to bed. The author Corrie ten Boom describes her family’s experience of hiding Jews in her father’s watch shop during World War II, resulting in them being imprisoned in a concentration camp by the Nazis. The book describes a vision she saw when the German army invaded the Netherlands in 1937:

⋯⋯I saw...a strange old cargo carriage pulled by four giant black horses...But what surprised me even more was that I saw myself sitting on this cargo carriage, and my father was also in it. There's Betsie! ⋯⋯

The child shuddered and felt something strange going on outside the window. "I put down this book and felt like something was brewing...especially the four dark horses...I covered this little book with another book, so I felt more at ease..." She explain.

That was December 2019. The world continues to operate enthusiastically, country to country, organization to organization, company to company, and person to person. The communication system and air travel are like a dense network covering the earth; everyone in the global village is busy in some corner of the network, each pursuing better and more in their plans.

At a time when things seemed to be the same as before, a virus that was invisible to human eyes, intangible to human hands, and not in human plans appeared. It began to spread in early 2020 and became a global epidemic. Every place was in emergency, and no one was spared. According to statistics from the World Health Organization in December 2021, nearly 270 million people around the world have been diagnosed and more than 5 million people have died.

A small virus jammed the wheels of the world and stopped it. People suddenly entered a scene that only happened in novels: the plague! Global plague!

What exactly is going on?

▲The COVID-19 epidemic has made people stay at home for a longer period of time, but living in seclusion is not necessarily a pause.

Dwelling in a snail’s nest is not necessarily a pause

The unpopular word "quarantine" has become a common expression. People argue about whether to wear masks and how to wear them; "avoiding meeting each other" has become the best way to think about others. The well-armed medical staff and critically ill patients on the screen make people feel that they are in danger; the increasing number of family members and friends who have become ill and passed away on the screen bring people into the experience of emergency. The media declared this plague to be a "major war level"; political and social changes such as elections and demonstrations have drawn people into the shadow of swords and swords. People go through hardships in life.

The theme of International Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) in 2020 is "Beginning". What kind of beginning is this? What started again?

People are going home; working and going to school at home. The ground at home is heavily used, and every corner can become a place for study and work. There seem to be more squirrels and groundhogs near my home than in previous years. Is it because I didn’t pay attention to it in the past, or maybe they have also “come home”?

In the midst of change and crisis, people demonstrate the gift of a good Creator—the built in adaptability to their environment. Under the stay-at-home order, we are like snails. Even if we are hiding in our shells, we still quickly evaluate, judge, choose, and make decisions about the disturbances in the outside world. While going through the initial shock with the many patients I counseled from different races and social backgrounds, I observed the many facets of God’s resilience and adaptability.

Those who live alone, those whose family members suddenly increase, those with meager incomes, and those who are wealthy, after initially expressing concern due to shock, can judge that their activities are restricted and home isolation is an effective operation to maintain safety and control the epidemic. People are starting to do different things creatively to reduce the chance of infection, while maintaining household supply needs and making home life more enjoyable. Some people learned to make masks, some caught up with the baking craze, and neighbors also tasted many vegetables grown in their own backyards.

Some people say that the epidemic has caused a lot of interpersonal dislocation and mental illness. Indeed, the need for psychological counseling has increased significantly. In the calls I received, many people said that since the epidemic started, my children have stopped going out; I feel depressed; and my husband and wife always stay together and have a bad relationship... After further understanding, I found that some situations have already existed, but the epidemic has triggered hidden dangers, which are manifested in different psychological and interpersonal relationships.

It's like living in a place where dust accumulates and you are always too busy to clean it up. One day there was a strong wind, and I was choked by dust and coughed endlessly. All the symptoms that appeared were said to be caused by the strong wind.

At this point, should I continue to sit in the dust and complain about the gust of wind, or should I roll up my sleeves and start cleaning?

Is it possible that COVID-19, like all crises, exposes pre-existing conditions? Maybe living in a small house is not a pause, but the beginning of thinking and returning? Or maybe this is an opportunity to adjust your pace, fix your situation, and move forward in a possibly better direction?

▲Even in times of crisis, have you and I ever found the buds sprouting on the branches and the roses blooming?

backyard roses

A friend rearranged her garden and left me a bush of roses that were no longer needed in her garden. They are the kind that bloom with red flowers throughout the season until late autumn. Plant it in the backyard facing the kitchen window, water it actively, and pay close attention, but you find that the leaves turn yellow and fall, the stems gradually wither, and it is about to die. A month later, I cut the towering branches to the lowest level and prepared to dig out the roots and throw them away during the fall cleaning.

In the summer of 2021, New England has abundant rain, often with heavy rains in the morning and evening. One day I looked out of the window and was suddenly dazzled by a star of red! I threw down the half-washed dishes and ran to the backyard. When I looked closer, I saw a petite rose standing quietly and proudly. Looking again, there are tender brown buds sprouting on the branches, and there are a few flower buds about to bloom, standing modestly and firmly.

The epidemic seems to have stopped many daily routines. The only thing that has not stopped is natural and man-made disasters and unrest. It makes people wonder, when will we see the light at the end of the tunnel? Second Peter chapter 3 verse 8 says this:"Dear brother, there is something youWe must not forget that in the sight of the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day. "Having experienced various crises in the past two years, have you and I been similarly touched? Is one day like a thousand years, or a thousand years like one day? Everyone has their own story.

In March 2020, when the epidemic had just begun, a high school girl said to me in the video: "I feel a little excited... It seems like I am entering an adventure." Yes, this adventure is something I never imagined and never imagined. The journey of experience takes us into isolation, illness, fear, struggle, death, struggle, oppression, threats, confusion, doubt, and search...

Looking back on this path, what do you see? Is it a bunch of branches pruned close to the ground, waiting to be dug up and thrown away? If you think about it carefully, among the many restrictions, have you found that our real needs are actually very few? In the midst of pain and struggle, what, what, and who can truly satisfy such minimal needs?

Take stock, have you found that what makes you healthy physically, mentally, and mentally already exists? Love, kindness, strength, the comfort and encouragement of God’s Word; the sky, sunshine, rain, clouds, air, green trees, flowers, rabbits, squirrels, and the changing of the seasons. The colorful fruits and warm chicken soup left outside the door by friends when they were sick; the greetings from neighbors during walks, and the smiles that can still be felt behind masks. Through various communication tools, we use words, poetry, tears, humor, laughter... to comfort and inspire each other.

The epidemic does bring danger and hardship, and life will also experience withering and dryness. However, the tangible and intangible goodness within and around us still exists, allowing us to experience that our true needs are never outside of God. Although the seasons are different, the roses still bloom.

century Park

Our town's "Century Park" was built on a small hill in 2000. 21 years later, the original tree plant has now grown strong roots and dense branches and leaves. The car circled up and came to an open highland, with bright green grass like a carpet extending in all directions, and the skyline of the city center in the distance could be seen. During the epidemic, people seemed to come here in droves to run, walk, play football, dance, picnic, and walk their dogs...

"Look!" The friend pointed to a kite flying in the sky. Looking up at the clear blue sky, the soft white clouds, and the paper kites scattering colorful ribbons in the strong wind. We share our real struggles and frustrations, and intercede for each other from the depths of our hearts. Not far away, the orange and yellow leaves of the maple tree were falling peacefully, and the child was making a mellow voice and was trying his best to learn to walk with his strong calves. At that moment, we were bathed in the dazzling sunshine, immersed in the bright silence, and seemed to hear each other's deep breathing.

As we enter the second half of 2021, the world, countries, and individuals seem to be still in uncertainty. This makes people realize that no country or expert can accurately predict the future and guide the direction. There are reports that by 2050, mankind will reach a point of no return. So, has this irreversible journey begun?

In the book "The Chamber of Secrets", when Peng Keli told her sister about the vision of four black horses in fear, and asked her if she imagined it because of fear, Bessie's reaction was:

Betsie's fingers slowly traced the grain of the wood of the ancient sink in our kitchen. "I don't know. But if God is going to show us the hard days ahead, that meansHimknow this, this does it to meexplainconvenientenough. You know, that's why God sometimes shows us things -HimIt is to tell us that even things in the future are stillHimin hand. "

On the high ground of Centennial Park, under the vast sky, surrounded by friends, we are truly connected to the truth: the God of creation is still in control. Global epidemics, social unrest, and tribulations in personal lives... He knows it all, and He has it all in His hands.

The epidemic is expected to ease, but there will be new crises by then. In times of difficulty, let us remember God’s words:“The Lord will go before you;HimHe will be with you and will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, nor be dismayed. ” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

The omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent God provides all the needs of the journey of life. The beginning and end of man are all in His narrative. Even as disasters and suffering attack God's creation, His power of goodness still operates, covering the created world and His beloved children. As Bonhoeffer wrote in "Von guten Mächten" (All Powers of Good):

All the forces of goodness surround me silently, comforting and guarding me wonderfully every day.⋯⋯
Although the past years torture the soul and the burdens of difficult times oppress us.
Oh God! Save the frightened soul with the salvation prepared for us.
All good forces are covering you, and you look forward to the comfort no matter what.
God will be with us every new day in the evening and morning.

Ou Hua, graduated from the Counseling Department of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and is currently a registered psychological counselor in Massachusetts. I like outdoor activities, reading, thinking, painting, listening to humorous stories, taking walks with my husband after meals, and getting together with friends. Also enjoys the responsibility and joy of caring for her daughters’ pets: Night, the guinea pig, and Lexington, the corgi. The deepest passion is to share the only love and truth in the world with others; the deepest joy is to see people experience Jesus.