Issue 24
Kingdom Neighbors

Offer sweet incense and fire sacrifice

Watch and pray for India

Interview/Ling Xi, Liao Meihui

【Respondents】 Dr. Louis Ao

New Jersey, USA

Grace Community FellowshipPastor

Pray for the early conversion of Indians across the United States to the Lord

Dr. Ao comes from Nagaland Province in northeastern India, where 90% population is Christian. However, he painfully pointed out that among the approximately three million Indians in the United States, the number of Christians is far less than 1%. Pastor Ao’s church spreads the gospel through community services, such as organizing English courses, citizenship test preparation classes or academic tutoring classes to help new immigrants from India, but the results are not effective. He implored Chinese Christians to pray for Indians; he encouraged Christians not to give up on doing good deeds, to practice their faith in their daily lives, and to touch Indian immigrants with their beautiful testimonies.

【Respondents】 Sister Christina Soren

North India Lutheran Hospital

nursing school teacher

Pray for the Christians in North India who love the Lord to rely on the Lord’s supply and serve steadfastly

She serves in a church of 80,000 people, most of whom are women and generally illiterate. Eliminating illiteracy and indirectly alleviating poverty are community ministries of many churches. At the same time, he also teaches and guides students in mission hospitals. His monthly salary is only two hundred US dollars. If he works in a government agency, it will be three or four times more. The choice between real life needs and serving the Lord is often a difficult choice for many North Indians. Christian Challenge!

【Respondents】 Pastor Monica Melanchthon (Ph.D.)

Gurukul Lutheran Theological College South India

Cum Research Institute Professor

Pray for equal dignity for Indian women

She speaks rare and pure English, and her academic speeches and biblical teachings are outstanding. Even though he has been ordained for a long time, he has been striving for excellence for twenty years. He only received recognition and acceptance after coming to the United States to obtain a doctorate degree. Therefore, he married late and missed the opportunity to have children. If Indian women want to enjoy the dignity given by God, I am afraid they still have a long way to go.

【Respondents】 Daniel Peter

New York State, USA

Pastor of St. Paul International Church

Pray for India to be reconciled, reconciled and united in Christ

He grew up in a godly fifth-generation Christian family in South India. After graduating from the seminary, he was sent to poor rural areas to manage and pastor ten churches. During those days of riding bicycles and tending from sunrise to late at night, I deeply felt the caste segregation in India, the pain of being untouchable, and my own sense of powerlessness. People in the countryside are willing to come and listen to the gospel because Christ gives them new life and new direction! "Please pray for us, please pray for India!" This is Daniel's call, and it is also the call of India.