Issue 58
Kingdom Communication

must remember? Don't remember?

KRC Camp has entered its 21st year, and KRC Magazine has entered its 14th year. Looking back, we can see the literary and cultural camps in Pennsylvania and Taiwan, hundreds of thoughtful and excited faces, and the emerging new forces in the literary and church circles on both sides of the Pacific. After the magazine was published one issue after another, The warm response and encouragement given by knowledgeable people around the world who pay attention to the culture of heaven; year after year, ministry funds are stretched and difficult to pass; the team members are getting older and overwhelmed with many tasks, but their aspirations are getting better and better. The more prosperous, the stronger the writing power...

Do you want to remember all this? certainly! ...Don’t remember it? That’s right! ...where do you start talking about this?!

Just as God commanded in Isaiah 46:8-9: "Remember... think about all that I have done, remember the things that happened in the past..." (Modern Chinese Translation) ─Yes! We must count and remember the amazing grace God has given us in the past years, because this same God with powerful deeds and wonderful virtues has not changed in the past, present, and forever. "Remember" gives us more confidence and motivation to move forward.

However, why does Isaiah 43:18 say, “Do not dwell on the past; do not dwell on memories” (Modern Chinese translation)? Please pay special attention to the two very interesting words "Lao Ji Zhui" and "Shen Hu". God does not want us to stay in the good memories and feelings of the past so that we are reluctant to leave our current comfort zone and move forward.

This is similar to the apostle Paul’s exhortation in Philippians 4:13-14 to “forget what is behind and reach forward to what is ahead.” Yes, only when past success or failure no longer hinders us from moving forward can we rise to a higher and more beautiful realm. Listen to God's promise: "Behold, I will do a new thing...I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:19)

"Remember", because we have to enter the grace cycle of "knowing gratitude → being grateful → receiving grace" to gain the energy and motivation to move forward. "Don't remember", because we need to invite the Lord to do new things in our challenging lives and ministries, bringing us more wonderful stories of overcoming hard battles and turning dangers into safety, which are worth remembering.

As the KRC team faces the urgent need of generational change, and at a time when the functions of traditional print media and social media are intertwined and in urgent need of transformation, we would like to remind each other with our team partners and KRC family members: Let us both "remember" and "not remember" from time to time. remember"!