Issue 9
Kingdom Knowledge & Practice

endless stories

"200 Years of Morrison's Mission in China" Historical Photo Touring Exhibition Side Notes

story presentation

The "200 Years of Morrison's Mission in China" historical photo traveling exhibition was planned and produced by the "Cosmic Light Holistic Care Organization". It hopes to use the presentation of history to resolve the Chinese people's misunderstanding of Western missionaries, eliminate hatred, and then inspire The church reaches deep into society. This large-scale event took three years to prepare. After detailed collection, synthesis, and arrangement of historical materials, combined with historical pictures and text explanations, 183 wall charts were produced. The traveling exhibition also includes the "Love Choir"'s relaxed and interesting speaking, singing and acting, as well as a series of lectures on life, culture, music, missionary work, etc.

Seventy books with a total of more than 6 million words were produced, including 30 essays on the history of Christianity in China, 20 biographies, and 20 children's picture books. (Note 1)


From July 12 to 31, 2007, the "Cosmic Light" team brought the photo exhibition to Texas, USA. At the last stop, the Austin exhibition, what caught my eye was "Brother Lin" - Lin Zhiping, who was telling stories and kicking his legs to guide the tour.

Taipei "Cosmic Light" does not practice titleism, and all co-workers refer to each other as brothers and sisters. Although "Brother Lin" is nearly seventy years old, he is still an out-and-out "Brother" volunteer. If you want to walk through the exhibition carefully, it will take at least two and a half hours. Many people's feet were aching before they even finished the journey, but "Brother Lin" was at the scene serving the people from morning to night, from beginning to end. Lin Zhiping, who is full of energy and has a booming voice on the podium, does not say much in private. A smiling face inadvertently revealed a hint of fatigue. Knowing that he had diabetes, heart disease, and constant pain in his joints, I couldn't help but admire him.

This time, twenty-four members came to Texas. Not only did they pay for their own travel expenses, some even had to take a long leave. When Lin Zhiping learned that some people had financial difficulties, he said that everyone should contribute according to their ability, and "Cosmic Light" would bear all the shortcomings.


Take a line
The "200 Years of Morrison's Mission in China" photo tour exhibition started in Macau and was successively exhibited in the Eastern United States, Western United States, and Southeast Asia. In July 2007, it came to Texas in the southern United States. The itinerary included Dallas, Arlington (Arlington), Houston and Austin.
When the Chinese Church in Xiaoston West District, which hosted the exhibition, started planning for the exhibition, the Literary Fellowship was already discussing the matter of interviewing Lin Zhiping, who led the team. Sisters Wu Xianshui, editors of "The Kingdom of God" magazine, had been following Lin Zhiping's busy whereabouts a few months ago and wanted to arrange an opportunity to interview him. Later, I learned that the exhibition venue was her mother church in Houston, the West End Chinese Church, so I inquired about the possibility of an interview.
The approachable "Brother Lin" was not afraid of hard work and immediately agreed: his time in Houston belongs entirely to us and can be used as we wish, which is why we have two reports in this issue.


story within story

Looking at the carefully compiled historical wall charts one after another, Lin Zhiping spoke of the contributions of missionaries. He also spoke of the life influence of the salvation of Jesus Christ that spreads like ripples...

▲Ding Yuliang.

William Martin (1827-1916), a missionary who was good at speaking and writing, could preach in fluent Ningbo dialect, which won the local people's praise, "Listening to sermons is more interesting than watching a play." When the Sino-US Treaty of Tianjin and the Treaty of Beijing were signed, he served as a translator for the US mission and participated in the drafting of the articles. During the translation, I discovered that the Chinese government does not understand international law, refuses to agree to conditions that it should agree to, and readily gives in to terms that it should not agree to!

This missionary, who loved the common people more than the Chinese emperor, was heartbroken and returned to the United States to study international law. He obtained a doctorate in international law and translated the "Law of All Nations" into Chinese and submitted it to the Qing court. He also introduced Western learning and established the "Tongwen Museum" in China to cultivate foreign language talents and teach scientific skills. He devoted his life to China and died in China.

do you know? When he founded "Christian Worker Theological Seminary" and is now the consultant pastor of "Three Valley Chinese Bible Church", Pastor Yu Ligong actually identified Dr. George F. DeVol who delivered his baby in an old photo! This medical missionary who died young delivered a faithful missionary to the Lord in China.

▲Dr. George DeVol (1871-1917, pictured on the right) and Dr. Isabella French (1871-1920).

His son, Pastor Charles E. DeVol (1902-1989), was an internationally renowned botanist. He discovered several ferns in Mount Lushan, Jiangxi, one of which was recognized by the academic community and named "DeVol". Fern's fern". Taiwan's rare fern "Impatiens devolii TC Huang" was also named in commemoration of his contribution to Taiwan's plant taxonomy.

During the Anti-Japanese War, Mu Hua was imprisoned in a concentration camp. After coming to Taiwan, he founded a church and built a church. He also taught botany, his specialty, at National Taiwan University in Taipei. He did not return to the United States until he suffered from cancer.

Huang Naiyu, the author of the children's picture book "I am a native of Liuhe, Jiangsu - The Story of Di Muhua", wrote about the struggle that Di Muhua faced when he was young: academic research and inheriting the missionary work of his father:

At that time, a voice seemed to say to me: "My child, you can do whatever you want, but if you choose your own path, you will be lost."

I quickly responded, "Lord, I want to go your way."

At this point in writing, Huang Naiyu was so excited that she couldn't help crying until dawn...

▲The story of De Muhua.

The hatred missionaries face

When Morrison came to China as a missionary, China was very hostile to foreigners. Anyone who taught foreigners to speak Chinese was considered a "traitor" and would be beheaded. (In the picture exhibition, Li Shiyao, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, presented a memorial: "How could he be familiar with the Chinese language without the hidden teachings of traitors? Meng Shengming Dongzhu, he will... implement the righteous method immediately"). Although Morrison paid a lot of money to "recruit" Chinese teachers to help him, those teachers still hid poison in their pockets so that if they were discovered, they could commit suicide first to avoid torture.


further research
This year (2007) marks the 200th anniversary of Morrison's entry into China. Chinese Christian churches have launched a series of activities to review and commemorate the impact and evangelical achievements of foreign missionaries in China and various Chinese places. The editor of this unit specially introduces the following magazine websites to facilitate readers to search for relevant information.

. "Cosmic Care Magazine" [Farmer's Heart] Return to the truth and understand history/Lin Zhiping Issue 395 3/2007
. "Cosmic Care Magazine" Morrison and the Chinese Bible/Gu Changsheng Issue 383 3/2006
. "Cosmic Light Magazine" Morrison came across the ocean/Gu Changsheng Issue 381 1/2006 Cosmic Care website: Photo exhibition tour of Morrison's 200 years of missionary work in China ADs/AD99_6e.asp
. "Overseas Scholars" Dialogue on Gains and Losses in the 200 Years of Christianity's Entry into China (1-4) Issue 81~84 (2-8/2007) .php?itemid=2308
. "Lifting Eyes" Review of Major Events in the 200 Years of Christianity in China/Su Wenfeng Issue 25 3/2007
. "Chinese Evangelical Association" The epoch-making significance of Morrison's entry into China - Vancouver seminar report/Lu Hanliang
. "Christian Weekly" Morrison's 200th Anniversary in China Issue 2214 1/28/2007
. "Messenger" World Mission Series (1-4) Raise the Sail/White Cloud 1/2 2007 pg2
China is calling/Baiyun 3/4 2007 pg3
Overcoming obstacles and winning the battle/Baiyun 5/6 2007 pg3
The edge of the sword emerges from the grinding force/Baiyun 7/8 2007 pg 3



After the South American Pictures Exhibition, this vitality continued to echo enthusiastically in the hearts of the audience...

"... More than 1,200 people came to see the exhibition. It was a small number, but it had a great impact on people's hearts. We witnessed many people being moved by the spirit of the missionaries... This exhibition will inspire more people to participate or Supporting missionary work...Although this century-old event has ended, we have left an indelible memory in our hearts, and we have witnessed the high enthusiasm of the Cosmic Light team..." - Lu Manyuan.

"It's really an eye-opener for me! God really loves China and calls countless of His people to lay down their lives for the souls of the Chinese people. Thank you for your loyalty and giving us the opportunity to see God's love and the obedience of His people. ”—Zhu Jixian

"I want to bring a set back to show to my relatives and friends in mainland China. Now that I know the truth, Christianity can no longer be misunderstood. Thank you for bringing the exhibition to Texas. Don't worry about not enough people coming. People are given by God, and God wants to spread these stories through them.”—Sister Jiao.

“These pictures remind me how little is known and appreciated for all the sacrifices missionaries and even missionary families make.” — Steve

Elder Cai Liangjun, who has been doing training and short-term missions in China for many years, sent an email to encourage the planning staff: "I want to thank you for your vision, sacrifice and hard work. All the hard work you have put in to promote the South American Picture Exhibition is very important to those who have participated in it." It’s very meaningful to our colleagues and visitors to the exhibition...”

Pastor Qiu Fanzhi, who has served missionaries in South America and Almaty, also encouraged: "This is a precious time and a time of growth in life. Let us work together to serve Him."

Others also sent messages:

"This photo exhibition is really a great outreach opportunity."

"The photo exhibition allows us to see the work of God's hand in China."

"The work you are doing is very beautiful and blessed. It makes me see the importance of missions again."

"Thank you for your hard work, giving us the opportunity to study, drink water and think about the source, and know the blessings God has brought to us through the sages."

The beginning of another story

At the end of his trip to Texas, Lin Zhiping said: "Serving the Lord is like singing a chorus. God is our great conductor. One person singing alone cannot accomplish the great work of the kingdom of heaven." However, it is undeniable that in this photo exhibition "Chorus "In "Brother Lin" stands in the position of the lead singer. He is fully aware of his "position today", so regardless of success or failure, regardless of financial ability, regardless of the number of people participating in the exhibition, as long as he is sure that it is God's leading, he will carry it with him. The team works hard to execute.

In the second half of his life, as the years flew by, Lin Zhiping grasped the true meaning of eternity and understood the hope of his calling. For the Lord, give up your remaining life and continue telling the story.

Note (1) The collection commemorating the 200th anniversary of Morrison's missionary mission in China includes thirty essays, twenty biographies, and twenty picture books. For details, please visit

incomprehensible heaviness

While looking at the picture exhibition, I translated it to the two children next to me. When I passed the "martyrdom and death, blood-stained" corridor, I choked up silently and burst into tears. The child said, "Mommy, these pictures are so sad. I don't like them."
After saying that, the brother and sister ran away and went to play. My child, my mother can’t bear to translate anymore. Not to mention your young hearts, even many adult Chinese Christians cannot understand the heaviness behind these sad stories!

Say amazing things

"Most missionaries do not die well." Although he said it in a plain tone, Lin Zhiping shocked everyone present to think about the true value of life.

"There is another characteristic of missionaries, that is: they know that there are tigers in the mountains, but they prefer to go to the tiger mountains." If you think about it carefully, isn't this the history of missionary work in the past two hundred years? Doesn’t this great bravery come from the Lord Jesus who was crucified for the sins of the world!

Journalist profile

Yu Zhen, now living in Houston. I am content with the days when my children are around me and laughter continues. I love traveling once a year, hiking, watching clouds, and picking up stones with my family.