Issue 24
Kingdom Communication

Let "Kingdom of God" soar into the sky!

Every time I take a long flight, the first thing I do after entering the cabin and taking my seat is to look for new journals in the magazine rack as spiritual supplies. However, I have recently found that the magazines that can enrich my spiritual reading are becoming less and less. "World" and "Vision" are considered to be of a good standard. On the other hand, the magazines issued by airlines only have "makeup", but the content is always poor and lacks the ability to shake the soul. the power of.

In comparison, the content of "Kingdom of God" is wonderful. Every issue, from "Focus Reports", "National Talents", "National Outreach", "National Culture", etc., always leaves me with something to look back on. The touching and inspiring feeling is like taking deep breaths of the soul again and again!

Then I thought about it, if every reader would not forget to take the current issue of "The Kingdom of God" with him when he travels far away, and put it on the magazine rack, so that passengers on the plane can have the opportunity to encounter "The Kingdom of God" in the air, and then long for it. It would be the most beautiful blessing to know the Lord Jesus who influenced the life of every author in this article!

In early June, I will go to the United States to attend the 10th anniversary of True Love, and the 24th issue of "Kingdom of God" will be my accompanying magazine angel! You are welcome to join the ranks of "Let the Kingdom of God Soar into the Sky". Don’t forget that your five loaves and two fishes’ dedicated support can make the Kingdom of God fly high, far and long!