Issue 14

Echoes: Memories of a Stray Dog

Hearing that Shi Lei Elementary School in Jianshi Township, Hsinchu, Taiwan, could not find an English teacher, Daniel did not hesitate.

See your own responsibility in the needs of others...

The rapidly sliding two-wheeled bicycles moved closer and closer, pushing aside layers of thick fog like a curtain. The light emitted from the front of the car was like a sharp sword, cutting straight through the darkness of the lonely mountain. Who has the brute strength to arrive on this road that is inaccessible and difficult for vehicles to travel before dawn in the cold early winter?

I pricked up my ears and concentrated, hoping for a surprise. With all my strength, I took a step forward, and the rocks I bumped fell from my feet. The distant echoes rippled in the valley, waking up my friends, who gathered together to besiege this uninvited guest.

The moment we looked at each other, it turned out to be him. God gave me the instinct to smell this man's sincere compassion and I couldn't help but want to get close to him. I saw him reaching into his backpack, and to his surprise, seven or eight tea eggs rolled to the ground. Everyone was fighting for them, gobbling them down, and enjoying this delicacy. We stopped grinning because of his soft-mouthed cannibalism, and quickly waggled our tails to watch him off until things turned around.

No matter what, stick to the mission

Crossing Yufeng Village and arriving at the top of a mountain 1,700 feet above sea level, this man rode for 60 kilometers and took six to eight hours. Braving the scorching sun, braving the fog and snow, and going against the low wind, he had to cross three mountain tops. At nine o'clock in the morning, we arrived at Shi Lei Elementary School in Jianshi Township, Hsinchu. Like those children in the mountains, we look forward to his arrival once a week. On this rugged and dangerous mountain road, two principals have unfortunately fallen to their deaths. well! It’s so depressing to hear! However, thanks to this rugged and dangerous road, our group of stray dogs were able to avoid the danger of being hunted.

As autumn passes and winter passes, we build trust and understanding. The road was destroyed by landslides in the 921 earthquake, and the road conditions have not improved in the past few years. Just in case, I followed and protected them secretly. During the whole process, he was always silent, pious and solemn like a hermit. The sound of deep breathing and "whoosh, whoosh" sounded like a fighting bull rushing forward with all its strength.

No matter whether the mountains are full of fresh green branches in early spring, or the charming wild flowers everywhere in summer, whether the maple trees are blooming on the cliffs in early autumn, or the desolation of dead leaves in midwinter, he has no time to take a look. The only thing I care about is: I must not miss school or let the children down. All these years of hard work not only ruined the car, but also damaged my knees. Although the doctor warned him not to ride a bicycle anymore, he still continued to teach English because this was his life-and-death mission and he must stick to it.

Nurturing buds, waiting for flowers to bloom

In spring and winter, the rain is heavy and the fog is thick. Every minute and every second is like fighting with death. When he was riding in dangerous places or rushing down steep slopes at high speed, he prayed loudly: "Please God protect me and let my body, my bicycle, and the pedestrians around me be taken care of." In this way. The atmosphere of fearing God also infected me.

When it's hot, it's like a drowned rat caught in a heavy rain; when it's cold, it's like a person covered in fever and sweating profusely. But this person didn't take it seriously and always said with a smile: "I like cycling because it is difficult and not easy, so it gives me a sense of accomplishment. Cycling is fun and challenging."

During the conversation, he revealed his philosophy of life. The sweat of such a philosophy of life has watered many depleted hearts, allowing them to bloom the flowers of hope for life again; nourished many injured souls, allowing them to once again nurture the buds of yearning for life. It also inspired us, a group of violent dogs, to vow to coexist peacefully with humans.

What a surprise, what a blessing

The school adopted an inquiring stray dog named "Wan Xing", and Wan Xing found out the man's details clearly. "This foreigner's foreign name is Daniel Greenhoe, and his Chinese name is Ge Chenguang. His hometown is In Michigan, USA, after graduating from college, he traveled to many countries. The more backward the places, the more he loved them (hopefully, the more he was a stray dog, the more he loved them). By chance, he came to the Taiwan branch. Studying at Hsinchu National Chiao Tung University. I accidentally heard that Shi Lei’s elementary school could not find an English teacher, so he never looked back and saw his own responsibility in the needs of others..." Stop saying "lucky", I was amazed, how could such a thing happen in the world?

Following the laughter of the children, I listened outside the classroom window. The English words that Mr. Daniel taught today were "BIG" and "SMALL"; he did not teach lightly just because it was his mother tongue; he jumped barefoot, sang and sang well, and used limited Chinese to point to the sky and draw the earth, and gesture with his hands. foot. He regarded these forgotten children as "BIG" and came to serve them. I just want the children to know that someone cares about them, that they are important and not to give up. "Little" children see a different world from the "big" teacher. I believe there will be many "SMALL" friends among them, and their lives will be very "BIG" different.

For more than three years, thanks to his help in times of need, I have been able to "Don't give up!" and continue to live. The valley echoed with the children's singing "When you say say say, say that you love me...," knowing that someone cares and is missed, how wonderful it is! "Oh oh, my my my, it' sa beautiful day!" I happily continued singing.

Author profile
Liu Shuman, from Taiwan. Currently living in Florida with her husband, three children + a dog. I have participated in the children's Sunday school ministry of the church for many years. I love to hear jokes and forget them after I laugh. I also like to tell stories with my pen.