Issue 50
Kingdom Families

grace in hurricane

God shortens the days of trouble for the sake of His chosen people

Photo courtesy/Xiaowa

▲Street scene of a nearby community a week after the flood (all flooded furniture was thrown away and the walls were removed).

The wind was strong and the rain was pouring. Sitting at home, the rain outside was so loud that I seemed to be able to feel the trembling of the ground as it withstood the heavy impact of the rain, and the overwhelming load of the excessive rainwater.

TV kept broadcasting the latest disasters and predictions, and WeChat was flooded with all kinds of information, panic, and helplessness. I couldn't help but be involved in it, and I was floating in panic.

"O Lord, how can You ignore the disasters Your children are suffering? Please have mercy on us!" I occasionally pray like this in my heart, but I cannot calm down before the Lord and pray with all my heart. I was immersed in the news and WeChat groups, hoping to find some solace, but there was none, and my heart became more and more unsettled.

▲After flooding, a friend’s house demolished a wall.

Bring peace of mind

It wasn’t until Sunday afternoon that the Lord brought me back through a WeChat article. It was written by a sister who also lives in Houston, and something that everyone has experienced personally. The difference is that her writing is peaceful and warm, with no fear, only gratitude. She talked about her mother in China's love for her during the hurricane, the warm and trivial events of the family in the past few days, and the cute attitudes of other people's children when facing the hurricane. She also attached some laughing photos and quotes. Quotes from the book "Champagne of the Soul": "Happiness does not depend on the situation. In the worst times, we can embrace joy." "Don't focus on worries or fears, but look for reasons to be grateful. Just It’s like putting on a new pair of glasses and looking at the world through the lens of gratitude, and the world looks different.” Then she concluded: "I feel a lot of gratitude these days, and I also have a lot of joy. What I am especially grateful for is: the inner peace in the wind and rain, the loving family, and the roof that does not leak. In addition to being grateful, we are also grateful for There is also more to think about in life.”

There is deep peace permeating between the lines of her words. As I read it, my heart felt like it was illuminated by a lamp in the dark night.

Words are the carrier of life. The fact that she could write such words at such a time was really due to her solid life in the Lord, and this life also affected me at this time. Looking back on my panicked state over the past two days, I can’t help but sigh: Times like this are really the touchstone of life. When the world trembles, will I tremble with it, or will I be able to maintain the peace that cannot be shaken because I am rooted in the kingdom that cannot be shaken? Lord, forgive me. I have been afraid like a person without hope. Now I want to repent and return to You and receive the peace You have given me!

When I was thinking and praying like this, I unconsciously became quiet both inside and outside. The long-lost peace of God’s presence deeply penetrated me once again, and the sound of rain no longer startled me. “God is our refuge and an ever-present help in trouble” became a tangible experience at that moment. Only then did I remember the scripture that had flashed in my mind during the day: "But for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened." (Matthew 24:22) At that time, I was hesitant because I was flustered, but now I am sitting in a firm peace. Believe that it is really God’s promise, and know that God will save this land out of mercy.

▲The community road has turned into a river during the heavy rain.

The wind of the Holy Spirit blows

Later, a notice was sent to the WeChat group asking the entire church to pray for the hurricane disaster at home at 5 p.m. Later I learned that brothers and sisters in other churches were also praying earnestly that night. Looking back now, I realize that my spiritual awakening at that time was because the Holy Spirit wanted to raise up the entire Houston church to pray, and I was just one of the people who was touched by the spiritual wind. God will save through the prayers of His children!

The rain subsided that night, and the weather report said that Harvey had been downgraded from a Category 4 hurricane to a tropical storm, and there was a stream of hot and dry air coming from the northwest, "like the army of the Lord" (words from brothers and sisters on WeChat). Firmly pushed Harvey out of Texas. Although many homes were flooded, if Harvey continues to stay in Houston until Wednesday as forecast, the consequences will be even more disastrous. It is God who shortens the days of disaster for the sake of His chosen people! May He receive all our thanksgiving and praise.

Author's Profile Xiao Wa, whose real name is Wei Jinghao, is from mainland China and now lives in Houston as a stay-at-home mother.