Issue 31
Kingdom Families

A calm dinner in the dark

[Hurricane Sandy Impact in the East United States] Sharing article

Translation/Wu Xinhui

This is an ordinary and extraordinary dinner - mismatched knives and forks, paper plates and plastic crispers, tissues from a fast food restaurant, and a familiar smell floating in the air. I mixed the plate full of various Chinese vegetables and chicken with the one thing that never goes away - white rice. After my father thanked us for the meal, my mother asked us to "eat more." My brother was studying in college away from home, so I ate his portion as well.

After dinner, I lay on the sofa with my dad. There was noise from the radio, and I couldn't help but laugh when I looked at the "only two" lights in the living room - two small candles. This "candlelight dinner" happened during the most stressful week of my academic career. The upcoming SAT (American College Admission Test) application, essay, piano test, etc., coupled with the mood of choosing a school and leaving home, my whole body was filled with emotions. In a state of emergency.

It’s not just me, New Jersey is also in a state of emergency at this time, and weather reports indicate that Hurricane Sandy is about to wreak havoc on the eastern United States. On October 29, 2012, when Sandy winds blew, millions of people in the eastern United States, like me, had to eat dinner in the dark.

Normally, a few weeks before the exam, I would lock myself in my room and read hard, hoping that the final sprint would give me extra points. There is no denying that everyone wants to be in control of what happens in their lives. Therefore, if a hurricane is coming, store food and supplies; before the big exam, treat the K book as breathing. But when I was in the eye of the hurricane and saw the trees being blown around and the helplessness of everyone being attacked at the same time, I suddenly felt a little calm. I finally understand that I am not in control, so...that's OK!

Thanks to this dinner in the dark, I understand the importance of "stillness". When the Internet fails and the phone doesn't ring, I realize that there is too little space and time for "loving" and "giving others" in life. When we work hard for our future as a matter of course, we should also reflect on the motivation behind our efforts. When we seek relative reward for our efforts, do we focus on worldly things or hope for the unseen? Can we really identify with “the One” who has already done for us more than we ask or think?

After Sandy landed, she woke up in the morning and saw half of the old pine tree in the front yard had fallen, straddling the road. A big tree in the backyard was uprooted, but luckily there were branches blocking it from hitting the roof. Even while we sleep, the Creator of the winds and rains keeps us safe and sound. We cannot control everything, nor do we need to control it. When a hurricane strikes, losses are inevitable, but everything is under the steady control of the Creator.

Since Almighty God can control the wind and rain, putting my future in His hands should be foolproof.

Author profile

Wang Yi is in twelfth grade at SBBCA Mission School in New Jersey. Interests: music, traveling, reading, learning Chinese.