Author: KRC

Love to Hear You Speak

Love to Hear You Speak

Use AI to glorify God and benefit people. In the 76th issue of the magazine, "Use AI to gain benefits; Use AI to glorify God" reported on LeadingAI...

Love to Hear You Speak

Love to Hear You Speak

The revival of the Ark of the Covenant in my home started when I read the 75th issue of Pastor Su Wen'an's "The Ark of the Covenant in My Home" and I was very inspired. As mentioned in the article, every time we...

Love to Hear You Speak

Love to Hear You Speak

How can you abandon your martial arts skills when you retire? Read the article "A Light Boat Has Crossed Ten Thousand Mountains" written by Yang Xuejing in the housekeeping section of the 74th issue of your magazine - Talking about the road to retirement after sailing through thousands of sails...