Let’s start with my son’s wedding…
At the end of May this year, on the afternoon of Pentecost, my son Junan got married. The wedding was held in a suburb of Philadelphia with vast lawns, towering trees,...
At the end of May this year, on the afternoon of Pentecost, my son Junan got married. The wedding was held in a suburb of Philadelphia with vast lawns, towering trees,...
Reading the Kingdom of God ~ Opening up the kingdom’s horizons In Reading World 𥚃, there are two quotes from two masters of reading that I love deeply: The humor master Lin Yutang said:…
"God's Kingdom Magazine" reader response collation/editing team's practical four elements of management "God's Kingdom" magazine 40 issues contain Lin Yuanshang Elderly...
[Preaching the Gospel to Parents] Photo provided by Pastor/Xu Zongshi People often ask me: "How do I preach the gospel?" Especially to family members and elders...
[Preaching the Gospel to Parents] Interviewees in the family chapter/Interviews compiled by Luo Shili and Luo Su Meiying/Photo provided by Zhou Weiwei/Luo Shili relies on himself...
[Preaching the Gospel to Parents] Compilation of interviews with the Huafa Tribe’s Pilgrim’s Progress in the Parents’ Chapter/Zimin Many people lamented: “Preaching the gospel to others is difficult! To...
Foreword: In the article "Challenges of the Universal Economic Outlook to Millennials" in the 40th issue of "Kingdom of God Magazine", the author mentioned the past two centuries...
Female entrepreneurs who don’t bow to the environment—Wang Lina’s dictation/Wang Lina’s interview, compilation, and pictures provided/Sugumi’s hearty and enterprising crowd brightened up...
[Learn Management Easily] Each of the housekeepers and servants must know what role they play, so that they can do their part well...
[Investment and Financial Management and Confidence] Photo provided/Translated by Eric Fu/Qiu Lihua Dad, are we rich? "One day, while flying...
[Special Article on the 150th Anniversary of James Ma’s Mission in Taiwan] Photo courtesy/Su Wen’an No. 1: Looking at the wisdom and wisdom of the early missionaries who came to Taiwan from the perspective of the Gao Chang family...
[Missionary Sharing] Photo courtesy/Liao Meihui▲The author, Liao Meihui, participated in short-term missionary work for the first time in her life. At the beginning of 2015, a two-week...
Reading life, life reading picture provided/Ma Ruixin suitcase Everyone has a suitcase, because it is very practical, it can almost be said...
[One of the echoes of current events] The passage of a bill may have an impact on the entire social culture, but the reason why social culture is affected must be investigated to the end...
[Echo of Current Events 2] ▲The Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church where the shocking murder occurred is a 200-year-old church. …
Photo courtesy/Qiu Jianqin When I was fifty-eight years old, I encountered some problems on the road of life. My spiritual life was very low, and I seemed to be in a vast sea of people...
[2016 Cruise Ship New Camp] The 2016 Kingdom of God Cultural Practice Camp on Bibo translated Pastor Rick Warren’s famous book "Straight to the Goal—Establishing...
[Building a Family Altar Part 3] What is the core element of "what makes a home a home"? ─Of course it's a "relationship", and it's a commitment...
▲What is the bullseye of a happy family? Have you taken aim? (Image source: http://www.teresabr…
「從馬太福音十八章談教會衝突處理」牧者研習會內容精華(上) 資料、圖片提供/愛與衝突…
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