KRC needs you, your talents and your resources, to be and build a better Kingdom together. Please subscribe to our mailing list and consider getting involved in whatever ways you feel led.

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Write for KRC Magazine:

Join the 'Writer's List' for our latest prompts and themes:

Do you have an article idea you'd like to send us? As people of the Kingdom of God edifying one another, we are always looking for unique and relevant Christian perspectives to share.

Submit your work (coming soon)


Attend, host or lead KRC workshops

KRC workshops are in-person and online. We're happy to come lead at churches, youth, and small groups. We also partner with various teachers and professionals to share their insights with others through co-sponsored workshops.

Upcoming courses

Sample courses (coming soon). You can sign up for any workshop that interests you or join the waitlist.

  • Beginner's Writing (Writing I)
  • Research and Writing (Writing IIa)
  • Interviewing and Editing (Writing IIb)
  • Advance Editing (Writing III)
  • Communication Basics (Part I)
  • Communication Basics (Part II)
  • "The Future of Evangelicalism" by Dr. Wen

Partner with Us

There are many ways to become a vital partner in KRC's ministries: