Meet some of the Christian brothers and sisters laboring to make KRC’s ministries possible.

Lily Yang,

KRC Founder and President

Eddy Lin, Chairman of the Board and Finance Committee

Rev. Dr. Andrew Su

Editor-in-Chief of KRC Magazine

Linda Pang

Copy Editor, KRC Magazine

Sherry Lee

KRC Magazine Executive Editor

Daniel Su, Executive Assistant

Jonathan Ho,

Project Arctos English Editor

Su Zhenquan, Arctos Assistant English Editor

TC Chen, Board Member and Chairman of Development Committee

Evelyn Siao, Art Director Arctos English Ministry

Matt Reffie

English Ministry Coordinator

Brandon Morgan,

Project Arctos Workshops & Development Lead

Kathy Ho, Board of Directors and Ministry Committee

Eugene Chien, Board of Directors and Ministry Committee

Stephanie Lu, contributing writer and e-newsletter ministry

Chris Chou, Kingdom Resources Magazine Art Director

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