Kingdom Neighbors

I hear their cries!

Interview with Sister Li Wu Shuyi, Chairman of the Executive Board of "Christian Horn Evangelistic Association" and Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director-General of "New York Lixin" ▲ was able to...


The voice of an old pastor. Once, I stood on the podium with a loud voice, preaching messages and singing hymns; now, after a stroke, half of my body...

strong hand

▲Ms. Zheng Tian Xiying, who has a pure heart, is always happy in the Lord even though she is not good at walking. One late winter afternoon, we three couples plus...

car clothing style

Translation/Zhang Lichun ▲The author (right), eldest sister (middle) and mother, all three of them experienced their years as female workers in the garment factory, leaving behind hard work for their children and grandchildren...

unexpected blessing

Interview with Sister Zhou Peiliang, a former garment factory operator ▲Sister Zhou Peiliang operates this expensive computer to tack buttons to complete the suit jacket making process. …

a long night light

Lighting up the light for workers and their families, the warmth is continuous, and it lights up all the way to the sky in the apartment of the diplomats in Beijing. I am practicing spiritually and thinking in my heart...


There is an quaint restaurant in the corner of the town square. Two friends and I sat by the picturesque window. That day, food and companions both belonged to...

love that never leaves

▲Pastor Wang Aimin has been working hard to rescue homeless people in downtown Los Angeles for more than 20 years. There once was a homeless man who lived on the street and wrote about his longing...