When it comes to elections, just stand on Jesus’ side
【Taiwan Chapter】
Lecturer/Yang Ningya
Excerpts/Yang Hanjiahua
Photo provided/Taiwan Lutheran Church of Truth

(Image source: http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2010/116/a/7/salt_and_light_by_howsweethesound.jpg)
2014年11月29日臺灣舉辦「九合一選舉」1On November 29, 2014, Taiwan held the "Nine-in-One Election"1. This was the largest election of public officials in the history of Taiwan's autonomy. It not only paved the way for the presidential and legislative elections in 2016, but also was an important key to determining Taiwan's political development in the next ten years. . During the morning prayer on July 12, Yang Ningya, senior pastor of the Lutheran Church of Truth, personally led the way with a fatherly heart and taught the congregation how to face the election. This magazine excerpts this friendly and forward-looking message to inspire the church to break through the framework, spread the warm love of Christ, connect public servant candidates, and encourage them to correctly exercise the authority given by God when they are in office.
You are the salt of the earth. If salt loses its flavor, how can it be made salty again? It will be of no use in the future, but will be thrown outside and trampled on by others. You are the light of the world. A city built on a mountain cannot be hidden. When a person lights a lamp, he does not put it under a bushel but on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the household. In this way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:13-16)
God’s people are salt and light
Jesus did not teach us to "be" salt or "be" light. He called us "to be" salt and "to be" light. This is not the essence of Christians working hard to do good deeds and earning it on their own, but what we already have in Christ and share with the world. A different life. What kind of essence will lead to what kind of life. If there is love within, no matter who you are with, love will naturally flow out; if there is truth and light within, insight from heaven will be revealed.
Christians are the light of the world, revealing the truth in dark places. How can we transform the country if we only stay in the church and do not interact with people from all walks of life such as politics, economics, media, education, etc., and bring out the qualities of salt and light given by God? How can we gain this society? How can we fulfill the great commission entrusted by God to preach the gospel? Christians are the salt of the world. Salt has a taste, and this taste is love. God expects us to live out love and transform this society that is full of corruption and death.
This was true of Jesus Himself, who hung out with all kinds of people. Does Jesus love people who live in a dark society? Does Jesus love government officials? It becomes clear just by looking at how He treated Zaccheus, the Roman centurion, and the Jewish tax collector. Did Jesus say that the church was to reject these politicians? No! Obviously Jesus liked to be with them, and these people have become a group of people that today's middle-class churches dare not contact and avoid.
Jesus, God's best servant, has been set apart for us as belonging to God and not of this world. However, He also became flesh and entered the world. This is the most basic theology. Jesus was born and re-entered the world, so the children of Heavenly Father and followers of Jesus should do the same. After we are saved and separated from the world, and receive the life of salt and light, we have to enter the world again (refer to John 17 :16-18).
The church faces political confusion
When traditional churches face elections and politics, they usually pray fervently, asking the Lord to reveal people who are upright and upright. Then everyone goes to vote, and whoever is elected becomes that person, and that’s the end of the matter. However, if all candidates do not act impartially, can we only choose "the lesser of two evils" among these people? The election is like gambling on luck! Do we Christians have no choice but to pray? How should the church face politics? Is there really a way to respond?
In traditional churches in Taiwan, especially those that speak Mandarin (Mandarin), preachers carefully avoid talking about politics or elections in church. They express their opinions freely at home but never mention it in church. Why? Because of fear! Some people describe meeting politicians as being scared to death like meeting a leper. A current Christian councilor in Taipei City mentioned that he has been hurt a lot by the church. He usually comes to him for help with anything that happens in the church. However, every time it comes to an election, he sets a clear barrier and says, "We don't engage in politics." I once received a person. An independent candidate for Taipei City Council, he told me personally that he had visited two pastors and both declined to talk further on this grounds.
Reasons for rejecting politicians
1. Misapplication of the concept of “separation of church and state”
One concept in theology that is often misused, especially distorted and misled by liberals, is the "separation of church and state." The so-called "separation of church and state" is not actually a separation in time and space, but a distinction in thought. We must know how to judge, but we cannot forcibly separate politics from the church, because a person is a whole, and his faith will be reflected in his political tendency, which cannot be separated. But we must use prudence to distinguish between what politics is doing and what the church is doing, and understand the attributes of both parties.
The United States was founded on God and the Bible. At first, the British Puritans fled to the American continent to avoid political persecution. When they were in the United States, they asked the government to ensure that it would not persecute the church. Therefore, the state was conceived from the perspective of the church, not oriented by secular politics, and made it clear that politics would not interfere with the church. This was the original intention of "separation of church and state." Mark Chapter 12 Verse 17: "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." When the United States was founded, the church demanded that politics should not interfere with freedom of belief. Later, some well-intentioned people did the opposite, and it actually became " The church cannot interfere in politics." In short, we have misunderstood the meaning of "separation of church and state" theologically, and are worried that the church's involvement in politics is not in line with God's will, but this is not the case.
2. Negative stereotypes of politicians
The political world is full of nonsense, bad checks, lies, corruption and other bad practices. Coupled with the media's exaggeration, it is true that not only Christians but also many ordinary people have a bad impression of politicians.
3. Avoid divisions due to different political stances
In the acute atmosphere of Taiwan's blue-green showdown (the Chinese Kuomintang versus the Democratic Progressive Party), churches are even more taboo about talking about politics, because whenever they do, they will quarrel. The church has always advocated that brothers and sisters love each other and regard unity as the highest principle of getting along, so they do not want to get involved in any political issues in the church. The preacher is even more afraid to express his political stance. If he leans blue, all the people who support the Green Army will leave; if he leans green, all the people who support the Blue Army will leave. Some people joke that preachers should be "neither blue nor green," or "both blue and green," so that members can live in harmony. I heard that it is even more serious in North America. Christians from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places can talk about anything when they get together, except that politics cannot be involved. Once they talk, disputes will break out. I think Jesus would be very sad to see us like this!

▲The Church in Taiwan is a powerful civil religious group with at least one million members. It is well-organized and wise. What’s more, we have Jesus within us! (Image source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Arctic_Cathedral_in_Tromsoe.jpg)
Don’t be timid when you stand in Jesus’ shoes
The church avoids talking about elections and avoids meeting politicians, so it has no influence on politics. Likewise, politicians are afraid of the church and have no idea what the church's demands are. On the other hand, folk faith groups have opened their doors to the public, and it is not uncommon for news about candidates including some Christians visiting other religions, participating in temple fairs, and visiting temples.
How should the church face politics and elections? Quite simply, just remember one thing: the church is not taking a blue-green position, it is a Jesus position.
The church does not dare to face politics. The fundamental reason is fear. What is it afraid of? I’m afraid I don’t know how to talk to politicians. If two candidates for Taipei mayor come to visit today, do we know how to respond? not easy! First, don’t know what to talk about? Secondly, I don’t know if I have the strength?
最難的不是如何對話,而是我們裡面有沒有鹽?有沒有光?從2013年「1130為下一代讚出來」2 三十萬人民走上凱達格蘭大道後,臺灣教會大大甦醒,我們體會出接觸政治人物的重要,也發現神的恩典與恩賜超乎我們的想像。臺灣教會是非常有實力的民間宗教團體,我也敢講是最有實力的一個!人數至少有一百萬,有組織、有智慧,尤有甚者,我們裡面有耶穌!所以,別害怕,勇敢去面對!

▲All authority comes from God, not only within the church but also outside the church. We must have this firm belief. God gives people authority, and those who are chosen are chosen. We must accept this fact and watch the political situation with careful discernment and persistent prayer.
Setting Election Goals: Influencing Candidates with the Love and Wisdom of Discipleship
What should Christians first understand during the election campaign? Don't rely on the election results. You will be overjoyed if the person you support is elected. If you don't get elected, you will feel like you are mourning. Who is our God? Are you a candidate? Our emotional ups and downs highlight the fact that we do not understand the truth about who gave us authority. Jesus made it very clear that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him by God (see Matthew 28:18). All authority comes from God. Whether inside the church or outside the church, we must have this The firm belief! God gives people authority, and those who are chosen are chosen. We must accept this fact by faith and guard the political situation with careful discernment and persistent prayer.
If the election targets "disciple" candidates and uses the love and wisdom of "discipleship" to influence the candidates, the situation is completely different. What is the most important mission and vision for Christians living in the world? It is the Great Commission - to make disciples of all nations! The most important thing we live in the world is the gospel. Everything we do should be for the sake of the gospel (see 1 Corinthians 9:23).
The same goes for elections. The great mission of the church is to influence candidates in Taiwan with the love and wisdom of discipleship. We must actively contact, influence, and transform these candidates; whether they are elected or not, let them understand the thoughts and insights of Jesus, and use Jesus’ values as the criterion for political engagement. When we get close to them, we exert influence and right values enter into them. We take advantage of the opportunity of the election to display our qualities of salt and light, "struggle with each other" and become friends with the candidates. Don't be short-sighted, it's good if he chooses you, it's good if he doesn't, we are still friends! Maybe one day he will sit in another position. Because of this beautiful connection, we can continue to bless and influence him, allowing him to have a deeper contact with the values of Jesus.
Christians should embrace the vision of "discipling the nations" and during the election period start by contacting all candidates in their constituencies. In this regional election, everyone can at least have access to the village chief. According to the titles given by God, some people can have access to the village chief, councilors, or mayoral candidates... Taiwan has been moving towards small constituencies. As we go, the candidates and the people are getting closer. According to someone who specializes in handling election affairs, as long as a hundred people gather for a political speech, candidates will come. Taipei Truth Church has three to four thousand members, and together with the Taiwan Christian Alliance (Taiwan Christian Alliance), which is connected to us, there are one million people. Won’t candidates come to our door? meeting! We speak out about our strength, but do not promise how many votes we will give, because no one knows who will be elected, only God knows! But we can let people know how powerful the forces behind us are, including God of course!
What Christians Can Do
We are the salt and light of the world, and we must give Jesus, love, and values to others.
1. Listen to politicians speak
How to give love? The first is to listen. Never argue, but care for them with true and warm love. Although I had a busy schedule, I specially set aside an hour to receive the independent candidate and his wife mentioned above, showing the salt qualities that a Christian should have. I listened for nearly fifty minutes first, allowing him to speak freely, and affirming him from time to time that he really had many good qualities. Listening is love, and understanding will bring healing.
Since I had another interview, before leaving, I gathered the couple together and prayed for them. His wife burst into tears and cried until she couldn't stop. The candidate also said, "I feel so warm here! "
2. Transmit correct family values
How to give values? Find out what they can't do about it. There is one thing that the world cannot do, and that is the corruption of human nature. When conveying values, don’t use stereotypes. Use words that others can understand. Pull the clues of corruption to the family, and then guide them to see what happened to the family.
I asked this candidate: "Do you know what is the biggest trouble in our country? It's the bad people. Why is it bad? Because there are problems in the family. All our problems come from the family!" I spent ten minutes telling the story over the years. A beautiful testimony of how God uses the Hall of Truth to strengthen families and bless them.
That day, I gave them salt and light, and the goal was achieved! Before leaving, he expressed that he still wanted to talk to me. Maybe it was for votes, but I believe more because he found that the church was really good in quality, quantity, and strength.

▲Anti-drugs, anti-pornography, and anti-AIDS are the uncompromising demands of the church. Candidates for public offices are invited to sign "Taiwan Protects the Family" to stand up for the next generation.
3. Anti-drugs, anti-pornography, and anti-AIDS
如何邀約支持耶穌的家庭價值?我請兩位同工帶領這對候選人夫婦去看影片。他們竟然不知道2013年「1130為下一代讚出來」遊行與同志團體大遊行的兩件社會要聞,看完YouTube《性解放風暴即將襲臺》3 影片後,他們目瞪口呆,震驚不已,沒想到國家竟然到了這地步!這一次潛移默化,若是當選,一定會讓他重視教育問題。
The video clearly puts forward the church’s demands of anti-drugs, anti-pornography, and anti-AIDS. We invite this couple to join the "Taiwan Protecting Families" petition and stand up for the next generation. If someone is unwilling, such a person will never choose him. By signing the petition, they joined the camp supporting family values. For God’s wonderful blessing of building families, we must deal with pornism! Deal with the sexual liberation movement! Take care of this project first, other issues will be trivial.
Conclusion: Actively contact politicians
When facing an election, whether it is pastors or ordinary believers, we must contact politicians, or at least contact the mayor. Unless we are unwilling to make time, unless we have not made spiritual claims. If you didn’t even know who the mayor was in the past, let’s start now, okay? This is a required lesson and the great commission God has given us! If someone in our network knows a congressman, we will contact the congressman. It would be even better if we can contact the mayoral candidate. No need to be eloquent, just love them, share good family values, and tell them the strength of the church. You can also introduce candidates you know from various parties to all pastors. Only through active contact can we bless them and bless Taiwan, our homeland!
When we follow the example of Jesus and set our election goal to play the role of a good king and make good use of all authority in heaven and on earth, then the most important thing is whether we have Jesus within ourselves? Is there any salt? Is there light? If not, it will have no effect on others!
We ultimately want to reign with Christ, exercising authority in heaven and authority on earth. We also want to help candidates and reign with them. It does not depend on whether they are chosen or not. The one who is chosen must do well. "Disciple them", and let them get the correct values if they are not chosen. We take this as our goal and become good friends with politicians, so that the church's influence will last. Facing the nine-in-one election, what we have to do is to "disciple the nations" and exert the influence of salt and light.

▲The three-generation family of grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and children is the union of one man and one woman. Christians must disciple the world to maintain orthodox marriage, family and social structure, and to ensure the continuity of future generations. (Photo courtesy: Daosheng Publishing House)
1. In order to reduce election expenses and reduce social costs, Taiwan’s nine-in-one elections are held on the same day, including mayors, municipal councilors, county mayors, county and city councilors, township mayors, township citizen representatives and village chiefs; There are also representatives and district chiefs of the mountain aboriginal district residents of the municipality directly under the Central Government.
2. 為反對修改民法972條文造成同性婚姻合法的惡果,三十萬人走上凱道,打了一場漂亮的護衛傳統婚姻之戰。請詳閱《神國》35期「守護家庭、代代幸福」及「為下一代幸福讚出來──走入2013『1130全民上凱道』」兩篇精彩詳實的報導。
3. 此片中紀實的齷齪言辭、淫穢標語與不堪入目的舉止,讓人驚愕、痛心與憂急。請上網:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_SyqtFKsyk

Speaker profile
Pastor Yang Ningya is the senior pastor of Taiwan Lutheran Church of Truth. He is currently the chairman of the "Taiwan Christian Alliance Association", the chairman of the "Aimeng Family Cultural and Educational Foundation" and the "Aiwang Holistic Care Foundation". Special emphasis is placed on the ministry of youth, small groups and Christian families, and efforts are made to promote Christian church connections.