Think universally, focus on Egypt

Why does the focus of this issue of Kingdom of God magazine fall on Egypt?
This is the third time after South Korea and India that the KRC team has accompanied readers to move away from the Chinese church and cultural circles and pay attention to another nation and country from a national perspective, so as to escape from the perspective of Chinese (including Chinese Christians). Self-centered inertia, understanding God’s intentions for all nations and peoples.
Egypt, a country that frequently plays an important role in the salvation history of the Old and New Testaments, is both familiar and unfamiliar to Chinese Christians. The familiarity comes from the records in the scriptures, while the strangeness comes from the geographical distance and cultural barrier between her and us. We only know that Egypt, like China, is one of the oldest civilizations in the world; we also know that Egypt has been the center of the crisis in the Middle East for half a century... And of course we know that the Bible clearly says: "In that day Israel will be one with the three kingdoms of Egypt and Assyria, and they will bless the people on the earth." (Isaiah 19:24)
Looking forward to this talent unitEgypt's Political and Economic Situation and the Development of Christianity;outreach unitLighting a spark in the home of the Pyramids, who is bin Laden most afraid of?;Cultural unitSearch the Bible, look at Egypt, think about salvation, when Moses stretched out his staff toward the sea;community unitThe strange woman by the Luo River, the papyrus falling on the palm beachThis series of articles and reports can give you a glimpse into Egypt's history, culture, politics, economy, society, as well as the current situation and prospects of missionary and charitable work, so that you can be grateful for the overcomers and intercede for the sufferers.
Of course, in addition to articles about Egypt, under the purpose of "exploring the resources of the Kingdom of God and combining them for main purposes", each unit of this magazine also publishes a number of articles that contain forward-looking, breakthrough, challenging, applied, inspirational, and A masterpiece of knowledge and action:Should I buy a beach house? Cross-cultural commitment to serve Indonesian coffee tribes. Exclusive interview with Yang Honghongxiang of "New York Born Communication Center"Wait, each article can help you think deeply and take action, so don’t miss it. The cultural practice camp, which will be held in Pennsylvania from July 11th to 23rd, is suitable for all ages, middle-aged and young people. It is a feast for body, mind and soul dedicated to your whole family. Divided into three levels, there are a total of fifteen types of camps.Please read the brochure carefully on pages 6 to 11, please photocopy and fill in the registration form or register online. There are three levels of Taiwan camp from September 27th to 30th. Please give yourself and your family a different spiritual event during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Please see the preview on page 9. We sincerely invite you and your family, relatives, friends, and co-workers to come together to welcome the transformation of life, breakthroughs in service, and expansion of your mind, and enjoy the joy and satisfaction of body, mind, and soul in the kingdom of God.
作者小檔案 高俐理,神國資源為基督協會創辦人兼執行長,曾在美國大企業任高階主管多年,目前全職事奉。常在北美及亞洲各地演講及帶領營會,對培訓合神心意的領導管理模式極有負擔。