【I love listening to you most】
Responses from readers of Kingdom of God Magazine
Parent-child relationships in social movements
近兩年全球各地興起大型社會運動, 年輕人走上街頭支持弱勢,造成親子關係緊張。61期〈當兒女走上街頭〉一文提醒為人父母者,應以中立、謙卑、冷靜的態度,以開放式問題彼此溝通。家長與兒女討論的目的,不是勸服子女接受自己的觀點,而是為了顯出父母關愛兒女,增加溝通空間。
If parents avoid discussing controversial political issues at home, it is as if they are afraid to talk about sex education with their children. In the end, the children may turn to answers in directions that are easily misled. Talking about politics with your children is not an easy task, but remember: Relationships come first, and don’t discuss politics in a “one word” manner. Perhaps this is the most basic principle that parents should grasp!
(USA‧Texas‧Xiao Meiren)
wear mask? Not wearing a mask?
I learned from newspapers that when the epidemic first broke out, there were cases where people in the United States spoke harshly to Asians wearing masks and even treated them roughly. Those of us living in Taiwan are really surprised and saddened to see this kind of news.
In this wave of epidemics, Taiwan has been a global model in epidemic prevention. Apart from restrictions on entry and exit, daily life and church life have been almost completely unaffected. This is due to the joint efforts of the entire people. As the author said, this is the result of Asians who respect class and have a strong sense of community and are willing to give up personal freedom for the "benefits" recognized by the community.
Thanks to the author Lin Minwen for suggesting that through mutual understanding and understanding of different cultures, "differences" do not need to become points of conflict within countries, ethnic groups, and even churches. If we can better understand each other's differences, it will bring about More harmony and acceptance.
(Taiwan‧Hsinchu‧Wang Heping)
A four-generation mission to China
感謝61期楊韓甲華所寫〈The story of an egg〉,一門四代宣教中國的故事,是既難得又寶貴的宣教士家庭見證。德裔的林明膽(Dr.Werner Bürklin)牧師終其一生,自詡雞蛋,外面是白,內在卻是一顆黃色的中國心,一生只「為神憂心的事而憂心」。1950年被迫離開中國後,多年服事於「國際青年歸主協會」,30餘年後回到中國成立「中國夥伴」事工,他是全球性的基督徒領袖。宣教士用自己的生命做承諾,無怨無悔,忠心到底,一生奉獻愛主,是基督徒的生命典範。
Thinking about the early days of Taiwan, there were countless foreign missionaries like Pastor Lin Mingdan who loved Taiwanese, but most of them were unknown. I hope your magazine will continue to report more stories about early missionaries in Taiwan in the future.
Issues that cannot be avoided
61期的《神國》雜誌刊登了許多篇重量級的文章,特別是文化單元中幾篇討論當時美國因種族歧視和警察暴力所引發的抗議浪潮。閱讀〈prophetic lament〉後,心中很沉重,卻也明白不能再逃避,任由不公義的事件繼續發生。真的,若是要回歸過去「平安的日子」,表示我們要對許多繼續發生在我們周圍的不公義,視而不見。懇求神讓這篇文章成為不再逃避的催化劑。
<The power of empathy〉作者令我感動與敬佩,願意把自身受暴的經驗與大家分享,她的勇氣與自信,彰顯神的醫治大能,徹底表現出同理心的威力,感謝她的分享。
(USA‧New York‧Yinyin)