Issue 76
Kingdom Communication

Being a Smart Bridesmaid

I always feel that since the epidemic, the change of generations has occurred rapidly. Recently, an elder I admired and cherished very much, Elder Lai Yongxiang, passed away. A few years ago, I promised to find time to consult with him and learn about the precious figures and history of the Taiwanese church. Now, I'm a step slower.

Regrets are inevitable in life. In order to avoid more regrets in my life, when I turned 60, I began to collect the examples of the elders around me that are worth emulating. No one is perfect; but in some elders whom I admire, I find the qualities that I absolutely need to learn and encourage myself to imitate them.

It has been several years since I turned 60, and I can clearly feel that physically I am not as good as before in many aspects. Therefore, it is particularly necessary to live life with wisdom and re-clarify the purpose and goals of life. How am I going to live? How to train your thinking? Feeling the need to seize the moment and prepare for the journey into eternity. I found that God allowed me to meet many "noble people" and I was surrounded by many wonderful people, all of whom I could learn from.As the “wise bridesmaid” in Matthew Chapter 25 made the best investment in my life on earth in the extremely limited remaining years.

For example, Inland Mission missionary Paul Alfred Contento served the Lord throughout his life in Inner Mongolia and Southeast Asia. After retirement, he settled in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. I will never forget that every time I went to visit, the small room was full of books. The 90-year-old man discussed with us the various challenges and changes in the church at that time. It was completely cutting-edge information and definitely not out of date. From him, I decided to keep learning until the end.

There are also his mentors in college, Professor Ou Paulo and his wife from the Department of Biology. Although I did not directly receive their teachings in college, I received great influence and help from them in the United States. (For their stories, please refer to The couple have stayed at my house many times. When sharing that they had lost two sons in the same month in 1965, I asked them why they continued to stay in Taiwan. They answered quietly: "Because Taiwan is where God leads us." I learned,when you are in a position led by God, you will never leave easily.

In line with KRC's digital transformation, the new website will be launched on July 1st. Please be sure to browse online ( In addition, KRC is also actively developing audio-visual ministry and will launch a new program, tentatively named Teatime with Lily, and hopes to introduce it to many friends around us. What I want to talk about is not the magnificent achievements, but theshare how to enjoy God’s presence and guidance in life, and live out the glory of heaven in the midst of challenges and sufferings.. "Kingdom of God" magazine articles will also try their best to provide audio files, giving readers the option of listening to them. Be sure to use it.

For all of the above, we desperately need your prayers, co-work, and dedication.